Title: Trust Gibbs Author: yakkorat Rated: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Yada, yada, yada. Summary: God, for 223 words, do you really need a summary? Jack reflects on his friend Joshamee.
oneiriad:Pirates singing: "Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Jaaaack Happy birthday to you"
Nice little story :-)
yakkorat:Isn't that a disturbing mental picture? Because Gibbs would be so sincere about it, and AnaMaria would be smirking like crazy, and Jack would be wearing that tight lipped smile he does so well. And you can just hear them. LOL.
meletor_et_al: Hee... That is so Gibbs. Fantastic. Cute and it made me smile during a rough day. So in thanks, if you're still needing someone to do that icon, I'd gladly take it on. Let me know.
yakkorat:I'm sorry you're having a rough day, love. But I am glad it gave you a bit of a smile. *hugs*
I would be absolutely thrilled to have you tackle that icon. Catch me online: ICQ: 59149333 AIM & YahooIM: Yakkorat MSN: Yakkorat@hotmail.com
Thank you so much!!!
Love, Julie-Rae
yakkorat:The link you'd need to see is here. The first one on there is my rather pathetic attempt at doing it myself. You can kind of see the effect I was going for there, though. But I'd like to talk to you about it before you take a crack at it, if at all possible, so if you don't catch me online, send me an e-mail, okay
( ... )
xzombiexkittenx:Awwwwwww *smooshes Gibbs* that is an excellent look into a character not written enough. It was short, sweet and satisfying.
yakkorat:Thanks much! I like Gibbs, to be quite honest. I like his character. I wish he'd be more pivotal to more stories. He's a great character's character and underappreciated.
And a compliment from you means a great deal. I enjoy reading your work.
geek_mama_2:Great drabble (ficlet? vignette? Whatever). Very well written, very true to character, and absolutely charming. Did I mention I loved it?
Hope to see more of your writing posted soon!
yakkorat:Thank you, sweetheart! I really appreciate it!
It's a little over a double drabble, but too short in my mind to hit "vignette" status. to me, it's not a vignette until it hits a page, and a ficlet is three to maybe ten pages. Ten to thirty would be a short story, and thirty plus would be just a story.
I have strange classifications. I know.
But I'm really pleased you liked it. I didn't know how well it would go over, and I thought it a little silly, not to mention the first paragraph screams "SUBJECT SENTENCE PROBLEMS; FIX ME!!!" and I couldn't quite figure out how to rearrange things any better than they are.
hippediva:ROFLMAO! This had me laughing out loud! Wonderful buildup to an equally wonderful and silly conclusion! Gah! Loved it! Good thing I wasn't sipping my tea when I read it. *G* I must admit, I have a weakness for Gibbs and his "old salt" voice and manner. This was great!
yakkorat:Hehehe... I'm so glad! And I'm glad you refrained from splattering your monitor with tea. LOL.
I was worried that it might be too silly, but that first line just sank in last night and absolutely refused to leave me alone until I wrote a drabble to go with it. And I couldn't have Gibbs revealing anything that would actually make him seem disloyal or even stupid. Had to be something different. And the birthday bit worked perfectly.
I really do love Gibbs as a character. He's just the grizzly old guy that every pirate story needs. LOL.
Anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
Comments 11
"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Jaaaack
Happy birthday to you"
Nice little story :-)
yakkorat:Isn't that a disturbing mental picture? Because Gibbs would be so sincere about it, and AnaMaria would be smirking like crazy, and Jack would be wearing that tight lipped smile he does so well. And you can just hear them. LOL.
Thanks for the feedback! Have a great day!
yakkorat:I'm sorry you're having a rough day, love. But I am glad it gave you a bit of a smile. *hugs*
I would be absolutely thrilled to have you tackle that icon. Catch me online:
ICQ: 59149333
AIM & YahooIM: Yakkorat
MSN: Yakkorat@hotmail.com
Thank you so much!!!
yakkorat:The link you'd need to see is here. The first one on there is my rather pathetic attempt at doing it myself. You can kind of see the effect I was going for there, though. But I'd like to talk to you about it before you take a crack at it, if at all possible, so if you don't catch me online, send me an e-mail, okay ( ... )
yakkorat:Thanks much! I like Gibbs, to be quite honest. I like his character. I wish he'd be more pivotal to more stories. He's a great character's character and underappreciated.
And a compliment from you means a great deal. I enjoy reading your work.
Hope to see more of your writing posted soon!
yakkorat:Thank you, sweetheart! I really appreciate it!
It's a little over a double drabble, but too short in my mind to hit "vignette" status. to me, it's not a vignette until it hits a page, and a ficlet is three to maybe ten pages. Ten to thirty would be a short story, and thirty plus would be just a story.
I have strange classifications. I know.
But I'm really pleased you liked it. I didn't know how well it would go over, and I thought it a little silly, not to mention the first paragraph screams "SUBJECT SENTENCE PROBLEMS; FIX ME!!!" and I couldn't quite figure out how to rearrange things any better than they are.
Thank you SO much for the comment!
yakkorat:Hehehe... I'm so glad! And I'm glad you refrained from splattering your monitor with tea. LOL.
I was worried that it might be too silly, but that first line just sank in last night and absolutely refused to leave me alone until I wrote a drabble to go with it. And I couldn't have Gibbs revealing anything that would actually make him seem disloyal or even stupid. Had to be something different. And the birthday bit worked perfectly.
I really do love Gibbs as a character. He's just the grizzly old guy that every pirate story needs. LOL.
Anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to comment!
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