Title: "Different" Author: Me Rating: NC-17 Genre: angst, smut, romance Pairing: JongHo Disclaimer: unfortunately don't own them. Summary: Are "different" people allowed to find happiness? (Still suck at that)
zomg!!! Jonghyun was beaten up!! But at Minho saves the day!! (cackles and glomps the two of them) A little bit of odd tense changes but it's fine bb. ^^
*cries* the smut was short unnie. it should be longer. *nods*
well..thk you...^^ i almost make a new reply...then i saw this^^
you know the '-----------------' making me think of some hidden story...^^
this is good...the smut is not crappy...i like its length too...i cant imagine if it ever be longer than this,,,,its not like i mind reading longer pieces...but i dont know if i will like it more than now...^^
like it really^^ surry i couldnt give you any concrit...>.<...my english fail me...^^
pls do write more...ill be waiting for more pieces from you^^
Comments 31
zomg!!! Jonghyun was beaten up!! But at Minho saves the day!! (cackles and glomps the two of them) A little bit of odd tense changes but it's fine bb. ^^
*cries* the smut was short unnie. it should be longer. *nods*
You mean the tense in my grammer? I know...hahaha xD sorry...that's my weak point in englisch xD and I have no beta an ugh..xD
*cries with you* I know right?! But ..I was so embarrassed to write it..xD it's my first time and it's awkward and I don't like it!
i almost make a new reply...then i saw this^^
you know the '-----------------' making me think of some hidden story...^^
this is good...the smut is not crappy...i like its length too...i cant imagine if it ever be longer than this,,,,its not like i mind reading longer pieces...but i dont know if i will like it more than now...^^
like it really^^
surry i couldnt give you any concrit...>.<...my english fail me...^^
pls do write more...ill be waiting for more pieces from you^^
Haha, really?? It was just to cut the parts. hehe cuz they switch the time.
You think so? Thanks!
Well, I'm still new to writing and maybe smut was a level too high for me, but I wanted to try and oh well^^.
My english isn't any better! *sigh*
hehe I'll try, thanks for reading and commenting <3
i know that...i just love to imagine if there were a scene...XD
yeah i think so^^
just keep writing more^^
you're welcome^^
Though this was HOT. 8D
Well, I was just fed up with some ignorant people. Cuz..humans with piercings are humans too you know xD
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Awwww. Thanks bb! I'll try my best!! <3
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