Title: The 7 Faces of My Boyfriend
Genre: Romance
Characters: Shida Mirai, Kamiki Ryunosuke, Irie Jingi, Kamiki Yuu (Oizumi Yo), Yonemoto Mai (Kawashima Umika), Sakamoto Shougo, Kanata Hongo, Hiharu (Ohgo Suzuka), Narumi Riko, Nozomi Maeda
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kamiki and Shida were childhood best friends. One day though, Shida had to go to
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Comments 14
He pouted, grumbling under his breath.
I love that part.. hahaha!
I'll miss Iinchou-kun!!
I'm definitely addicted to this fan-fic <3
Thank you for writing a great fan-fic :3
Iinchou's gone and Yosuke realised his love? Uwaaaa~
My head played d scene of d festival again and again. I dis really want something like that happened in my schools *hwaaa... In the end, it didnt occur at all... Im graduated *sighed**
And... the cake pic makes me want it... hwaaa... cake cake cake :3
Yaaay... it's d crucial time in d next chapter ~(^o^)~
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