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Comments 66

super_rangers September 6 2011, 19:54:08 UTC
I want to ask where you got this latest Shounen Club. I know it's available in Shokura community but the uploader asks us not to repost. I'm just not sure if it's the same file you get from that person


yabu_takeshi September 6 2011, 20:10:03 UTC
No, for the past few months I used the files of Shokura community with credit, because they are easier to cut in 1024 x 576 res. But since it wasn't there at first I got it from someone else, not from the Shokura community. The initial source may be the same, I don't know that for sure (The resolution is the same, but the audio format seems diffrent, so I doubt it).


zouter September 6 2011, 20:43:29 UTC
Taking NYC's medley, thank you! :)


kananyan September 6 2011, 20:51:34 UTC
Thanks a lot! Those Fresh Juniors are actually called "Ae Shonen" in magazines and for Shonentachi, I hope we'll get to see more of them :D ...though I have to say I like the Tokyo version of the dance to With you better, but maybe that's because I've seen it first ^^


yabu_takeshi September 7 2011, 10:34:35 UTC
"Ae shonen"? What is that supposed to mean? I like the dance from the Tokyo version better too, but maybe just because the Kansai Juniors, ahem, the Ae Shonen only showed that short part and not the full choreo. And I was very surprised to see Iori as the center. I didn't expected that at all.


kananyan September 8 2011, 17:11:55 UTC
well it is written Aぇ少年 and my guess is that it's pronounced as えぇしょうねん (ee shonen), which would be kansai-dialekt for "ii shonen", which would again mean something like "good/great boys" in English ^^ this is what japanese fans seem to think as well, I just checked~ http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1468481064
you're right, I would have expected one of the older boys to be center as well, but he did an ee - I mean great job xD


kananyan September 8 2011, 17:12:41 UTC
german ee, not english ee by the way ne XD


yosii September 6 2011, 21:41:44 UTC
I cant use MU T___T so I have to wait the MF links *hope*

thank u for sharing


yabu_takeshi September 7 2011, 10:48:23 UTC
I'm sorry I can't upload to MF. But you could try this:
Just copy the MU link and paste it into the box, then generate.
For most people this works. I really hope I can use MF again in the future


yosii September 8 2011, 21:00:15 UTC
its not working with me =(

but thank u for helping ^^


RE: rei_miyoko September 10 2011, 15:50:20 UTC
it does not work for me either


aroruae September 6 2011, 23:01:30 UTC
Thanks for sharing! I'm really having problems at finding the latest episodes of Shounen Club and I don't know where to look for them >__< So thanks again! (^__^)


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