Title: Not Strong Enough
Pairing: Tony/Michelle
Rating: NC-17
SML Universe
Disclaimer: Not mine. *dreams*
Warnings: Sexy time.
AN: Takes place right after they start "seeing" each other. It's not happy or sad. It just is.
Song is "Not Strong Enough" by Apocalyptica featuring Brent Smith.
Not Strong Enough )
Comments 7
But yeah... I think you should definitely get into that some more. I'll read it!
I love him being darker and I love him "tainting" her with it.
Is it wrong that I find that whole "forbidden fruit" aspect to their relationship here, makes the whole thing that much hotter? >:-) lol Her cheating on Tony with someone else in a fic, just isn't right (especially if it's with Jack *yuch*.. ) ... But her cheating on someone else with Tony just makes things spicy.
He wasn’t as high all the time as he’d been when they’d first started...whatever this was. Part of her liked to think she was the cause but she didn’t dare go there
We pretty much know from the rest of the series that it is her that makes him change, it just makes their relationship all that more meaningful. It's nice to see the beginnings of that here .
Nice one. Hope you can write more soon.
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