Good Impressions [1/1]

Dec 22, 2011 16:19

Title Good Impressions [1/1]
Fandom Stargate Atlantis
Rating PG-13
Pairing John/Elizabeth
Summary In order to spend the rest of his life with the woman he loves, he must overcome one obsticle....asking the parents permission
Warnings None
Disclaimer I do not own ay of the characters mentioned in this fic, though John Sheppard is in my closet
Notes Sparky Advent 2011- as many of you know I do not celebrate Christmas, I celebrate Hannukah. I thought again I would show a bit of my culture through this fic. Also please don't take offense that I made Elizabeth Jewish, they never blantantly told everyones religion so I am using my imagination.

John stood against the wall taking long deep breaths. He was nervous. He could feel it through his shaking hands. God, why did Elizabeth's family had to be old school when it came to the old traditions of the Jewish heritage. What ever happened to get down to business and tell the parents later?

Unfortunately for John there was nothing he could do about it, and if he loved Elizabeth he had to respect her wishes.

"Alright John," He whispered quietly to himself, "you almost turned into a bug, got stunned more times than you care to remember and was fed to a wraith and actually lived to tell the tale. You can do this besides they seemed to like you at the Hannukah party...or I hope they did. Oh stop fucking around just get in there."

With a determined grin on his face he walked into the living room. It was quiet only the sound of the fire as bright and vivid as the Menorah in the window echoed through the room. Mr. and Mrs. Weir sat on the couch sipping tea and chatting quietly. Probably about how happy they were that Elizabeth was home for the holidays. He wouldn't be surprised if he was mentioned at some point.

"Mr. And Mrs. Weir," John said running a hand through his hair before putting his hands in his pockets.

The Weir patriarchs looked up quickly in attention.

"You don't have to be so formal John," Elizabeth's mother said with a kind smile, "why as Elizabeth's boyfriend you are part of our family. Call us Lyssa and David."

At least her mother was friendly, her father looked at him like Rodney in a hissy fit. He was definitely one of those overprotective dads.

"Alright Lyssa and David," John said trying not to squeak, "well obviously I won't keep you away from your relaxing evening long since you are both enjoying your night, anyway Elizabeth means the world to me. I met her at a low point in my life and she well, gave me the confidence that had lost long before, and in my darkest hours," he paused reminding himself that he couldn't mention anything pertaining to Atlantis. They didn't know, so mentioning the whole thing with Kolya and Todd for example would make their jaws drop. "What I mean to say without her.....I would be lost. Which is why I am asking permission to marry your daughter."

John could tell from the look on Elizabeth's mother face she gave her consent. The father was going to be a harder egg to crack, the man still had the pissy McKay look on his face as he set his mug on the table.

"You said you weren't Jewish," he simply said.

To John it was a sign the man was wary of giving consent.

"Yes sir I'm agnostic, but I'd do anything for your daughter, if I have to convert I will."

The Weir patriarch made a slight hum.

"That won't be necessary, do you promise to take care of her and keep her happy?"

An involuntary smile formed on John's face, maybe because he didn't have to answer with any thought.

"Sir, if I'd had to take a bullet for her I will, I promise you I will take care of her and I can assure you I will do everything in my power to keep her happy."

Finally Elizabeth's father smiled.

"Then I give you my permission but all I that your children are raised Jewish."

"I can do that."

"Good, welcome to our family and Happy Hannukah."

"Happy Hannukah to you as well."


The moment Elizabeth walked out of her bathroom after taking a nice long shower, she was literally ambushed by John. He took her in his arms and kissed her fiercely.

"John," Elizabeth said as he broke the kiss, "I am kinda in a towel."

"I asked your parents," John simply responded.

Her eyes widened. She expected John to be hesitant to ask for hand, maybe ask two days from now as they walked out the door and back to Atlantis.

"What they say?"


"They said yes!"

John nodded his head eagerly with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Oh John!" She squealed happy as she hugged him tightly, "I'm so happy."

He responded with a deep sigh and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I think we should celebrate." John said with a grin.

"Quietly though, don't want my father to change his mind."

And with a chuckle, he carried her in a fireman's tow into bed.

ficlet, pairing: john/elizabeth, fandom: stargate atlantis

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