ГОСТ 33542-2015: терминология

Jul 11, 2016 09:45

ГОСТ 33542 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/18503.html ) разработан на основе стандарта МЭК 60445:2010 «Основополагающие принципы и принципы безопасности для интерфейса «человек-машина», выполнение и идентификация. Идентификация выводов оборудования, концов проводников и проводников».
По сравнению с первоисточником в ГОСТ 33542 использована более точная терминология. Кроме того, стандарт дополнен п. 3.19-3.25, в которых определены термины, использованные в его требованиях и в определениях п. 3.1-3.18. Терминология ГОСТ 33542 согласована с терминологией ГОСТ 30331.1 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/4077.html и http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/7044.html ) и ГОСТ IEC 61140 (см. http://y-kharechko.livejournal.com/1016.html ). Ниже для сравнения приведены разделы 3 ГОСТ 33542 и стандарта МЭК 60445. Изменения и дополнения в ГОСТ 33542 обозначены курсивом.

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NOTE The terms are sorted in alphabetical order in the English language.
electrical equipment
item used for purposes like generation, conversion, distribution or utilization of electric energy (e.g. electrical machines, transformers, switchgear and controlgear, measuring instruments, wiring systems, current-using equipment, etc.)
[IEC 60050-826:2004, 826-16-01, modified]
functional bonding conductor
conductor provided for functional- equipotential bonding
[IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-02-16]
functional earthing
functional grounding (in US)
earthing a point or points in a system or in an installation or in equipment, for purposes otherthan electrical safety
[IEC 60050-195, Amendment 1:2001, 195-01-13]
functional earthing conductor
functional grounding conductor (in US)
earthing conductor provided for functional earthing
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-15]
equipotential bonding for operational reasons other than safety
[IEC 60050-195, 195-01-16]
line conductor
phase conductor (in AC systems) (deprecated)
pole conductor (in DC systems) (deprecated)
conductor which is energized in normal operation and capable of contributing to the transmission or distribution of electric energy but which is not a neutral or mid-point conductor
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-08]
mid-point conductor
conductor electrically connected to the mid-point and capable of contributing to the distribution of electric energy
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-07]
neutral conductor
conductor electrically connected to the neutral point and capable of contributing to the distribution of electric energy
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-06]
PEL conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a line conductor
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-14]
PEM conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a mid-point conductor
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-13]
PEN conductor
conductor combining the functions of both a protective earthing conductor and a neutral conductor
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-12]
protective bonding conductor
equipotential bonding conductor (deprecated)
protective conductor provided for protective-equipotential-bonding
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-10]
protective bonding conductor, earthed
protective bonding conductor with a conductive path to earth
protective bonding conductor, unearthed
protective bonding conductor without a conductive path to earth
protective conductor
(identification: PE)
conductor provided for purposes of safety, for example protection against electric shock
[IEC 60050-195, 195-02-09]
protective earthing
protective grounding (in US)
earthing a point or points in a system or in an installation or in equipment, for purposes of electrical safety
[IEC 60050-195, Amendment 1:2001, 195-01-11]
protective earthing conductor
protective grounding conductor (in US)
protective conductor provided for protective earthing
[IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-02-11]
equipotential bonding for the purposes of safety
[IEC 60050-195:1998, 195-01-15]

ГОСТ 33542, электрооборудование, полюсный проводник, средний проводник, нейтраль, нейтральный проводник, линейный проводник, электроустановка, PEL-проводник, ГОСТ IEC 61140, PEN-проводник, МЭК 60445, защитный проводник, PEM-проводник, фазный проводник, заземлённый линейный проводник, ГОСТ 30331.1, проводник уравнивания потенциалов

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