Title: Sheepshank PART TWO For: order_of_chaosPairing: Sparrow/Norrington/Sands (OUaTiM) - Mention of current Will/Elizabeth and old Jack/Anamaria
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Wow! Amazing! Beautifully well written and freaky, but in a really good way, and I loved it even though I don't have the faintest idea who Sands is. The modern AU is great and I like the sort of Bond vibe to Norrington ;) Exploding zombie heads by thinking at them? LOL! Sounds like fun!
Sands is from the third movie in the 'El Mariachi' movies by Robert Rodreguiez (sp?), Once Upon A Time in Mexico. His blinding is cannon. I seriously reccomend it. Johnny Depp is gold in it and hell, he looks hot even with his eyes gouged out. It's just not fair.
Norrington is kind of Bondish, only I've never seen a whole Bond, so I kind of think of James like a less sleazy, less smug 007ish thing. I dunno, he's just so...so...British.
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I must say, this idea bit me on the ass and wouldn't let go so thank you for requesting it and giving me the idea in the first place. Must say, it's lovely to know what lines you liked so thank you.
OMG... GUH. *wibble* That was fuckinhottastic. And it inspired me greatly while writing Jack/James/Groves smut. So, since I'm still incoherent, I'll just thank you for the inspiration and a damn good read. *bows in gratitude while discreetly wiping drool off keyboard*
Okay, now that was just plain brilliant... I'm saving it and reading it again later... jeeze... johnny/johnny smut made me giggle though... But definately hot. And awesome... I love zombies! Though I was glad Sands wasn't a classic zombie... Oh man, I just luffs you...
Though I was seriously hoping for a bit of James bottoming... as I do with most fics... because he's just not written as a bottom enough... in my opinion...
Comments 7
Norrington is kind of Bondish, only I've never seen a whole Bond, so I kind of think of James like a less sleazy, less smug 007ish thing. I dunno, he's just so...so...British.
That was fuckinhottastic. And it inspired me greatly while writing Jack/James/Groves smut. So, since I'm still incoherent, I'll just thank you for the inspiration and a damn good read. *bows in gratitude while discreetly wiping drool off keyboard*
Though I was seriously hoping for a bit of James bottoming... as I do with most fics... because he's just not written as a bottom enough... in my opinion...
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