Today hasn't been a good day. To sum it all up, Google has been down all day. Along with AOL. Google being your homepage and then suddenly recieving a No page to display error can dampen anyones day. So now I just got home in my newly cleaned room. It looks amazingly different. Bigger. All I have left to do now is clean Mark's chair and then I will
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Take a stab in the dark. What do Joe Deprince, Mark and I have in common? We haven't started college yet!! Joe starts in 21 days and Mark and I start on October 3rd. Awsome
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To all of my friends who are leaving for college this coming weekend, which is practically everyone except myself, Mark and Gina, goodbye and I love you!!! Have fun, and be safe! Look up the red light rules
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90's Alternative: Highest Influence90's Pop: Highest Influence90's Rock: Highest InfluenceAlternative Rock: Highest InfluenceClassic Rock: Highest InfluenceOld School Hip Hop: High InfluenceR&B: High Influence80's Alternative: Medium Influence80's R&B: Medium Influence80's Rock: Medium InfluenceAdult Alternative: Medium
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Marilyn Manson is the most amazing musician. He writes his own material, and incorporates everything from his life, the life of the media and the life of lies into all of his work
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I just watched probably the best episode of Boy Meets World ever. It was about them "the ultimate pack of friends" getting into a fight and letting little fights go too far. Breaking up friendships, potential marriages and losing yourself
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