Fweee, this is what happens when I don't have anything to do in English class because I finished my homework on time.
Title: Balance
Characters: Watanuki (hints of Donuts)
Word Count: 362
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: CLAMP owns ME as well as xxxHOLiC
Yuuko often spoke of hitsuzen, so often in fact, that Watanuki was starting to think it was her favorite word. Hitsuzen controlled everything; nothing was by chance and nothing was coincidence. Watanuki was beginning to accept this, and more frightening yet, understand it. It made him think, though, when he was alone at home preparing lunch for school, or after a fight with Doumeki, that maybe hitsuzen was a tool of something else.
Watanuki would never, could never, consider himself a philosopher. He wasn’t quite crazy enough for that, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t ponder the workings of the universe from time to time; it was hard not to working for Yuuko.
So in all of his deep-thinking time he had come to the simple conclusion that hitsuzen was working to preserve balance, and that balance ruled everything.
He could see it in everything if he really tried, from the changing of the seasons to his crush on Himawari. With Himawari it was that the more he liked her, the more oblivious she seemed to be, and now that his crush was fading, she was finally taking an interest in him. When he had realized this, it wasn’t as disappointing as he felt it should have been.
Yuuko’s shop was another prime example: the Mokonas, Yuuko’s mood swings between serious to… well… drunk, as the prices demanded for each wish granted.
There were other things, like how he always seemed to be yelling about something while Doumeki was calm and quiet. Or their blood lines: one attracting spirits and the other keeping them at bay. There was the fact that no matter how much he hated the requests for lunch, he took pride in being able to make the out of season foods anyway. Also, one thing that scared him almost as much as some of the spirits after him, but not at all in the same way, was the fluttering in his stomach and actual anticipation of seeing the greatest annoyance of his life every day.
Watanuki was certainly not a philosopher, and defiantly not a genius, but he knew that balance ruled his world in all the wrong ways.