To hell with it, have some Whistle! fanfiction. Possibly worth noting that I wrote this while halfway through the second volume - literally, I stopped midchapter to write it - and I'm only partway through volume 4 right now... I'm impatient, so sue me.
Title: Meet Me Halfway
Pairing: Shige/Mizuno... or Mizuno/Shige. Them two, anyhow. [Whistle!]
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Comments 2
also, i watched about... eight eps of whistle? and never finished? i'm not sure why - every time they say shige, i kind of think of kato shige from news with a really bad mullet and it - just does not compute in my head ;_;
lol oh no, Shige's mullet! I've seen the anime character designs and I swear Shige's much more attractive (and much less mullet-y) in the manga. For your perusal:
Anime Shige:
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