New journal!

Jun 04, 2006 01:12

Now all of my icons and graphics in my icon community icons_are_hot. JOIN IT!! :D
I will not post any graphics here anymore ...exept maybe brushes ;)

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Comments 21

ex_spirits2 November 17 2006, 18:33:47 UTC
hey, wanna add me?? :D i would love to be your friend :)


xxkitty_katexx November 21 2006, 17:38:22 UTC
sure thing! :) but im not actually post here anymore :/ i just used it for graphics mostly ;)


ex_spirits2 November 21 2006, 21:23:58 UTC
Hehe, no problem! Just thought it would be cool to be your friend haha :P


stereofonic December 30 2006, 02:18:53 UTC
Hello... I'm so sorry to bother you, I didn't know where else to comment but I just wanted to know if there was anyway I could request a header from you for a new community of mine. Your graphic talent is beyond amazing and I'm always impressed with how beautiful your graphics are. If you would like payment of some sort, such as a paid account, I would be happy to provide for that. Thanks so much for your help if your willing and if not, I understand completely. ♥


xxkitty_katexx December 30 2006, 13:49:14 UTC
I would be really happy to help you out with header but only after 3rd or january now :/...its cos im living right now with friends on new year hollydays and be back i guess on 3rd of jan (or maybe 4th)
so if u can wait and still want a header from me ill be more than happy to make it for you :)


stereofonic January 2 2007, 05:37:37 UTC
Really? Thank you so much! That is such wonderful news to hear... gosh I'm ecstatic right now. Again, thank you thank you thank you. I can be more than patient while you have a good time so enjoy your holidays and happy new year! ♥


xxkitty_katexx January 6 2007, 19:21:04 UTC
well im back so if u still need a header u can send me pix, text u want on it,all the sizes and other stuff :)


ivan_designer February 19 2007, 12:39:19 UTC
Well hello there, fellow Russian designer! lol

Prosto hotela poznakomitsia :P I ispol'zovala paru tvoish brush-kov, ochen' ponravilos'.


xxkitty_katexx February 19 2007, 15:23:22 UTC
Очень рада, что тебе они понравились :) Я уже правда давным-давно новые кисти для PS не делала...что-то как-то забросила :/


thoushaltkissme May 31 2007, 01:19:36 UTC
Heyyy. I added you.. wondering if you wanted to be lj friends? :D


i lokimikoj anonymous September 22 2007, 09:16:31 UTC

Nice work. I liked your site... Best regards!


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