Writing again, so also complaining

Jun 28, 2014 15:04

I hate writing stories with large casts. Giving everyone a good role takes a lot of words ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mprice June 28 2014, 19:54:52 UTC
I guess if one doesn't like doing long stories, a large cast can be a problem. I love writing complex story lines, and those can be very long sometimes take a large cast. I've found the best way of solving the latter issue is to break them up into smaller groups. That gives them all something to do until you bring everyone together at the end for the resolution. Or as in my case, the massive plot twist at the end.

Can't help with the brainstorming. Don't know that fandom.


xwingace June 29 2014, 13:05:15 UTC
I don't mind doing long stories too much (hell, I love reading them, so...), but 'long' to me is ~10.000+ words, and with my writing speed, I tend to run out of steam long before I'm halfway through. Sometimes I end up posting what I have, if it at least has some kind of an ending, sometimes the stories end up lingering in my head and on my harddrive until they wither.

And that is with stories where I have up to two main characters, with between one and five secondary ones.

The one I'm writing now, though I intend(ed) to focus on two characters, has a potential cast of dozens, and the 6 to 8 most important secondary characters have a tendency in the original show to come together to talk stuff over if something important happens. Add an OC or two for story progress purposes and some tertiary characters that, if this thing happened in the show, probably *would* show up and do stuff... Aaargh.



mprice June 29 2014, 17:22:00 UTC
The largest cast I had to juggle was one somebody else abandoned in the Eroica fandom. I got permission to rework it and it turned into an epic adventure. The two main characters have their own subordinate groups. We are not told in canon the number in Eroica's gang, but his counterpart has a group designated at the Alphabets--meaning 26. I used them ALL. The story circumnavigated the globe, too. It has 35 chapters and over 70,000 words and took me 6 months to write. (I made my beta readers crazy because I wouldn't tell them the major plot twist at the end ( ... )


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