Title: Four Times Chloe Saved Dean’s Ass (And One Time He Saved Hers) Author: X_tremeroswellian Email: adwilliams03@yahoo.com Rated: PG-13 Disclaimer: I own nothing. Don’t sue. Thanks. Written for did_it_once J
I can't decided what was more funny... the way in which chloe saved dean, the fact that she wasnt phased with the amount of weapons he had in his trunk, or the conversation he had at the end with the unconscious guy... lol!
Comments 3
She looked at him, concern reflected in her green eyes. “You all right?”
Feeling a bit dizzy, Dean struggled to sit up, unable to take his eyes off hers. “I’m…awesome,” he managed, pressing a hand to his ribs.
LOL I giggled at that part. :)
I can't wait to see more of this fic!
Wonderful job!
Excellent, can't wait for more.
this was great!
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