Title: Illusions 6/? Story 1 in the "Who I Am, What I'll Become" series
Author: X_tremeroswellian
Email: faithboscorelli1@yahoo.com
Disclaimer: Not mine. Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, and any Scooby Gang cameos belong to Joss Whedon. Liz, Max, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Tess, Nasedo, and any other Roswellians belong to Melinda Metz and Jason Katims. Please don't sue.
Distribution: Just let me know the link.
Rating: PG-13 for now (for language, violence, adult content)
Author's Note: This is an Angel-Roswell crossover with possible cameos by the Scooby Gang from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Spoilers: For Angel, everything up through and including Shanshu in L.A. (1st season's finale), and for Roswell, everything up through and including Destiny (1st season's finale)...
Category: Story
Subcategory(ies): Action-Adventure, sci-fi-horror, angsty romance.
Keywords: Crossover/Series
Summary: Fleeing Roswell's painful memories, Liz takes off to L.A. and finds trouble, leaving Angel, Cordelia and Wesley to save her; little do they know they're in just as much trouble as she is.
Feedback: Would be appreciated. :)
Dedication: to Julia, Lili, katt_41 and Windsor. Thanks for all the feedback!
Author's Note: Thanks also to Jessi and Ash! :)
Illusions (Part 6)
Maria yanked the cabinet door open and grabbed a glass. She filled it with milk and delivered it curtly to the customer. She hadn't slept well the previous night. It had started with lying awake, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on her ceiling, and thinking about Michael Guerin. Then dreaming about him. Then waking up and being unable to sleep again because she couldn't *stop* thinking about him.
Just thinking about him now caused the glass she was carrying to slip from her hand and shatter on the floor.
"Shit! God damn it," she muttered angrily as she stooped down to pick up the pieces.
"Here, let me help."
She looked up to see Max Evans kneeling down next to her. Before she could say anything, he waved his hand over the broken pieces and the glass melded back together. "Thanks."
"Sure." He studied her for a moment.
"If you're going to ask me where Liz is, forget it." She stood up quickly and set the glass in the sink.
"That wasn't...actually, I was wondering how you were."
Maria rolled her eyes. "I'm peachy. Life's great. Why wouldn't it be?" she snapped sarcastically.
Max looked away and suddenly she felt guilty for having been mean to him the past couple weeks. After all, they were in the same boat. Liz had walked out on Max, Michael had walked out on her...
"Max, I'm sorry. I'm just...angry."
"You're hurting," he said softly. Before she realized it, tears had filled her eyes. Max noticed, and said, "Hey, don't you have a break coming up?"
She nodded.
"Let's go for a walk."
Maria blinked back the tears, surprised. "Yeah. That'd be great." She turned to the other waitress on duty. "Agnes, I'm going on break."
"*I'm* on break."
"Not anymore." Maria untied her apron and discarded it on the counter, ignoring the dirty look the older woman sent her way. She followed Max out the front door of the Crashdown, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
They walked down the street for a few minutes in silence.
"He loves you."
"Has a funny way of showing it," Maria said bitterly.
"Michael's never been good at opening up to people. He thinks he's doing what's right for everyone. But for you especially."
"He didn't give me a choice. It's my life. How can he just make that decision for me?"
"I know how you feel," Max said softly.
Maria paused. "Liz...is confused, Max. She thinks she did the right thing. I mean, put yourself in her shoes for a minute. Pretend that you just found out that Liz and Kyle were destined to be together, that they were the only ones who could save the human race. You have two choices: stay with her and take the chance of interfering and causing the extinction of an entire race...or even just the death of one person. Or you walk away, and hope that one day, after all the world-saving is done...maybe. Maybe then you can be together. What do you choose, Max?"
Max stared at her for a moment, but didn't speak.
Maria leaned against the wall of the building they had stopped by.
"I understand. But she's wrong," he finally said. "I need her. I can't even think straight without her. And if I can't even think, how can I save an entire race?"
"I know that. You know that. But Liz...give her time, Max. She'll know it, too."
"Waiting's so hard." Max was nearly on the verge of tears.
Maria felt her own eyes well up again. She touched his arm. "Hey, don't fall apart on me, Evans. We have to stay strong. I mean, I don't know about you, but I am *so* not the weepy type."
Max smiled.
"I should get back. Work." She sighed.
Max walked with her back to the Crashdown. "I should get home."
"Why don't you come in? Have some pancakes with Tabasco sauce. On the house."
He laughed. "That actually does sound good," he admitted.
Maria faked a shudder. "That's just...wrong." She laughed and held the door open for him.
"Thanks." Max sat down at his usual booth as Maria got his breakfast.
No sooner had she put the food on the table than did the door slam open. She whirled around in time to see Michael and Isabel headed straight for her. She was immediately alarmed by the looks on their faces.
Max, too, rose to his feet, the expression on his face grim.
"Where's Liz?" Michael demanded. He didn't even give Max a second glance.
Maria stared at him. "Excuse me?"
"Where. Is. Liz?"
She scowled at him. "Look, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but where Liz is isn't any of your business."
"She's in danger. I had a dream last night--"
"Liz is in trouble?" Max interuppted.
Michael looked right at him for the first time. "I think so."
Max turned to Maria. "Maria, please. You have to tell us where she is."
Before Maria had a chance to say a word, the door swung open again, and Alex ran up to them. "I've been looking everywhere for you guys. Maria, did Liz call you last night?" he asked anxiously.
Maria shook her head. "No."
"She promised she'd call! She swore to me that she'd call one of us and let us know she was all right!" Alex ran a shaky hand through his hair.
"L.A.," Maria whispered.
Max stared at her, and then headed for the door. "I'm going."
"Not alone, you're not!" Isabel replied, following him.
Michael followed them both. "Isabel and I are going with you."
Maria grabbed Alex's hand and ran after them. "We're going, too."
Michael turned around. "No, you're not. It's not safe."
"And you can't stop me. You're not my boyfriend anymore, Michael. You don't get to make anymore decisions for me," she snapped.
"Liz is our friend. We're going," Alex agreed.
"No," he replied flatly, glaring at both of them.
Maria was about a second away from slugging him. Max turned and looked at her. Then he looked at Michael. "They're coming with us."
Without another word, he turned around and walked out of the Crashdown, leaving Michael speechless. Maria smirked and hurried past him with a feeling of triumph.
Take that, she thought.
Liz sighed and turned over in bed. She opened her eyes slowly. And saw that she wasn't in her bedroom, nor was she in a bed. She had fallen asleep on a couch.
She sat up suddenly, jarred completely awake by the memory of the previous nights events. The man--or rather, the thing--that had been chasing her exploding into a cloud of dust as Angel drove a stake through his heart.
Angel had no doubt saved her life.
Because she also had no doubt that the thing would have killed her.
She relaxed. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew she was safe here. She must have known it last night, too, or she never would have fallen asleep in a strange apartment. There was one other thing she knew, too.
She smelled bacon frying.
Liz hadn't realized how hungry she was until that moment. She pushed back the blanket and swung her legs over the side of the couch. She hesitated at the kitchen entrance.
Wesley looked over at her from the table. "Miss Parker, good morning."
"Good morning. Please, call me Liz."
"Oh, yes. Of course. Sorry." He smiled at her.
"Morning," another voice said.
She turned to see Angel standing at the stove, apparently cooking breakfast. "Morning," she answered.
"Sleep well?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"Do you eat bacon and eggs? I can fix pancakes, too," Angel offered.
"No...bacon and eggs are fine."
"Pancakes sound good to me," a woman said from the doorway.
Liz turned around, her eyes widening. It was the same woman who had saved her life yesterday.
Wesley rose from his seat and moved to the woman's side. Angel was right behind him. "Cordelia, you shouldn't be out of bed."
"I'll bring a tray back to your room," Angel added quickly.
Cordelia rolled her eyes and stepped around them. "Over-protective much?"
Liz finally found her voice. "Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"
Angel and Wesley both gave her knowing looks, which she ignored. "I'm all right," Cordelia told her as she walked over to her. "I'm Cordelia Chase."
Liz shook her hand. "Liz Parker."
"Glad you're here. All in one piece, I mean. And with a beating heart." She moved to the counter.
Liz wondered exactly what she meant, but chose not to ask right then.
"Is there coffee? Nevermind," she said as she found a cup already poured. She glanced over at Angel. "This is *just* coffee right? No special ingredients?"
Liz noticed a slight smile on his face. "Just coffee," he confirmed.
Wesley looked over at Liz. "Please, have a seat," he said kindly.
Liz sat down at the kitchen table. She watched as Angel put one hand on Cordelia's shoulder and guided her over to the table, as well, pulling out a seat for her.
"You may have discharged yourself from the hospital, but you still need to rest," he said firmly as she sat down.
Cordelia looked at Liz and rolled her eyes again as Angel returned to the stove. "I swear, between these two, I should have just stayed at the hospital."
Liz smiled.
Angel set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her, and one in front of Cordelia. "The food wouldn't be as good."
"Yes, and I seem to recall something about tacky hospital gowns?" Wesley sipped his tea, hiding a smile behind his mug.
Cordelia shot him a look, but didn't reply.
"Cordy, you want some orange juice?" Angel offered.
Liz watched in shock as the refridgerator opened by itself and the carton of Sunny Delight flew out.
Angel caught the startled expression on her face. "Uh--"
Cordelia flashed her a smile as the gallon opened and poured her a glass of juice. "Thanks, Dennis." She leaned across the table towards Liz. "Dennis is my--" She dropped her voice. "--ghost."
Liz stared at her for a moment. A ghost. Okay, she could deal with that. After all, she was in love with an alien. "Is he...friendly?"
"Oh, yeah. Dennis is great," Cordelia told her with a grin.
Liz smiled back, shrugged, and took a bite of the scrambled eggs. "Wow, these are really good."
"Angel's a very good cook," Cordelia informed her.
"Aren't you eating?" Liz asked him.
It was Angel's turn to look startled. "Uh--I don't eat--"
"Breakfast," Cordelia finished. She and Angel exchanged a look. "He doesn't eat breakfast." She stood up and carried her empty plate to the sink.
Wesley looked at Angel and then at Liz. "Liz, Angel tells us you were being chased last night."
Liz took a deep breath. "Yeah. But I think he killed it. I mean, I'm assuming that's what happens when something explodes into dust."
"Uh, yes. Quite right."
"We weren't sure how much you saw," Angel explained.
"I think I pretty much saw the whole thing," she admitted. "So...what was that? That thing that was chasing me?"
Cordelia rejoined them at the table and exchanged glances with both men before turning her gaze to Liz. "It was a vampire."
"A vampire," Liz repeated.
By all given appearances, Cordelia appeared completely serious, as did the two men at her side.
"We know it's hard to believe," Wesley began
"Actually, it's not." And she meant it. That was the scary part. " That explains the stake you used to kill him with."
Angel nodded.
"So now...my question is--how did you...I mean, um..."
While Wesley and Angel stared at her blankly, Cordelia picked up on what she was trying to say. "We--sort of do this for a living."
"Killing vampires?"
She nodded. "Helping people that are in trouble. Being stalked by vampires, demons, that sort of thing."
Angel shot her a look. "Liz, we think you're in danger. Do you know anyone who might want you dead?"
Tess, Liz thought immediately, remembering the look of hatred in the girl's eyes as Max had told Liz she meant everything to him. She banished the thought. Tess might not be her favorite person, but she didn't really believe the girl was evil, either. "Um, no. Not really," she answered quietly.
"Well, you can stay here until we figure out who it is," Cordelia told her cheerfully.
"I don't want to be a burden. I think maybe I should just go home," she said hesitantly.
"Roswell, right?" Wesley asked.
"I've always wanted to go there." The British man smiled. "Have you seen any little green men?"
Liz nearly choked on her orange juice, and then covered it up with a nervous laugh. "Definitely not. Oh, no!"
"What's wrong?" Angel asked.
"I forgot to call Alex! He's probably freaking out. I'm really sorry to ask this, but can I please use your phone? I'll pay for it."
"Sure, and don't worry about it. There's one in the living room," Cordelia offered.
"Thank you." Liz hurried out of the room. She just hoped Alex hadn't told Maria she hadn't called. She didn't want to think about the possible consequences.
Angel exchanged looks with Wesley and Cordelia as Liz left the room. "She's hiding something."
"Definitely," Cordelia agreed, carrying the dirty dishes to the sink.
Wesley quickly stood up. "Cordelia, let me get those."
She shrugged and let him take over running the dish water and rinsing dishes. "Hey, if you want to do my dishes, who am I to argue?" She rejoined Angel at the table. "What do you think she's hiding?"
"I don't know."
"Well, she certainly didn't have trouble accepting the whole vampires-ghosts-and demons exist bit," she commented.
"No, she didn't," Wesley agreed.
"But I don't get any wiggy vibes from her, either."
"Wiggy vibes?" Angel repeated, amusement in his eyes.
"Yeah. You know. Creepy-crawly vibes. Like the kind I get whenever we're near Lawyer Boy." She frowned. "Although that doesn't necessarily mean she's good. There was the whole demon-auctioning-my-eyes and demon-pregnancy thing..."
Just then Liz came back in the room, worry on her face.
"Everything okay?" Angel asked.
"I'm not sure. Alex wasn't there, and neither was Maria."
"Do you think something happened to them?" Cordelia asked. Angel shot her look. "What? I'm trying to help."
"I don't know." Liz bit her lip.
At that moment there was a knock on the door.
Cordelia started to get up, but Angel beat her to it. "I'll get it."
Angel moved to the front door. As soon as he unlocked it, it re-locked. "Dennis," he said aloud in a stern voice. This time when he unlocked it, it stayed unlocked. He opened the door to find Kate Lockley standing there.
She looked at him, shocked momentarily and unable to speak.
"Kate," he greeted her, but didn't invite her in.
"Angel," she replied, clearly surprised to see him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly.
"I'm here to see Cordelia. Is she here?"
"I'm not in the mood for games."
"Neither am I. Cordelia was seriously hurt yesterday and I don't want anyone upsetting her."
"That's why I'm here. We think we found the car used in the hit and run. I want to see if she recognizes it."
Angel folded his arms across his chest. "Cordy," he called.
"Yeah?" She was at his side a moment later. She saw Kate standing there and immediately frowned.
"I'm here on duty," Kate told her.
Cordelia stared at her for a brief moment. Then she nodded. "Come in."
Angel stepped aside and let the detective inside.
Kate cleared her throat and sat down on the sofa as she pulled her briefcase onto her lap, removed a photo and handed it to Cordelia.
Cordy gazed down at the car photo, then looked up at Kate. "Is this the car?"
"I was hoping the you could tell me," Kate admitted with a sigh. "I take it to mean you don't recognize it."
Cordelia stared down at the photo again. It was a blue sedan, Angel noted. But he could read the uncertainty on Cordy's face as plain as day. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Liz," he called.
A few seconds later, Liz and Wesley were standing behind him and Cordelia. He again caught Kate's stunned gaze as she saw Liz.
Liz caught sight of the picture in Cordelia's hands and her eyes widened. "That's the car!" She took the photo and looked closer. She looked at Kate. "This is the car that hit Cordelia yesterday."
"You're sure?" Kate stood up.
"I'm positive."
"We found this car abandoned on Riverside Road early this morning."
"What happens now?" Wesley asked.
"We try to find the person responsible. I'll be in touch."
Angel walked her to the door. "Whose car is this?" he asked, his voice low
Kate looked up to him. "All I can tell you is that it's stolen."
"Kate --"
"Angel, don't push it," she warned. Without another word, she turned around and walked away.
Angel closed the door. "Cordelia, think you can hack back into the L.A.P.D.'s files?"
She sighed. "I know what you're thinking. And I probably could. But what good will it do? Do you have any idea how many cars are reported stolen in this city everyday?"
She had a point.
"I should have gotten a better look at the license plates on the photo," she said, putting her head in her hands.
Wesley put a comforting arm around her shoulders.
"WAHL 47," Liz said quietly.
Angel, Wesley and Cordelia all turned their heads to stare at her. "What did you say?" Wesley asked.
"It's the license plate number on the car. I sort of...memorized it," she admitted.
"Angel, isn't that--?" Wesley asked, turning to look at him with wide eyes.
Angel nodded, his entire body flooding with anger. "Lindsey."
Angel waited outside in the shadows of the huge building. He couldn't stop the waves of rage that rolled through him. His fists clenched involuntarily at his sides. Lindsey. Lindsey was responsible for Cordelia's accident.
Somehow Lindsey was involved with whomever was after Liz.
Angel didn't need proof--he could feel it in his bones.
This case had Wolfram and Hart all over it.
One way or another, Angel would stop their evil dealings.
Starting with Lindsey McDonald.
Lindsey McDonald couldn't wait to go home. He was in a good mood--the first phase of his plan had been completed as expected. Angel would pay for his disfiguration.
And he would pay big time.
He smiled as he left the offices of Wolfram and Hart, stepping outside. The sun was just starting to set, and he was looking forward to going home and relaxing for the night before all the action started. The smile quickly left his face as he was grabbed around the throat, dragged into the alley, and slammed up against the wall.
Lindsey stared at Angel with widened eyes as the vampire glared at him.
"Did you know that Cordelia was nearly killed yesterday with your car?"
"My car was stolen," he managed to choke out.
"Very convenient." Angel tightened his grip. "I know you're involved in trying to kill Liz Parker. I don't care why. But it stops here. Now."
Lindsey struggled for air.
"I'm going to let you off with a warning, so you'd better pay attention. If anything happens to Liz, or anyone else I care about, I will come after you. I may not be Angelus, but I still remember every method of torture invented since the early 18th century. And Lindsey, in your case, I would *definitely* enjoy it," he said, his voice a low whisper in the lawyer's ear.
Angel let him go suddenly and Lindsey dropped to the ground, gasping for breath.
No way was Angel going to get away with attacking him right outside his place of work. As soon as the vampire turned his back and started to walk away, Lindsey reached into the pocket of his jacket and removed a small gun.
"Angel!" he called hoarsely as he stumbled to his feet and moved to the mouth of the alley.
The vampire turned around.
Lindsey fired the gun, and three wooden stakes slammed into his chest. "Next time it'll be your heart," he warned, smiling in satisfaction as Angel crumpled to the ground in pain.