Angel Poem: Ode to Darla (1/1)

May 05, 2001 20:07

Author: X_tremeroswellian

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. The characters aren't mine.

Rating: PG-13 for suggestions of violence and death.

Feedback: Sure, if you want to tell me what you thought, I'd love to hear from ya. :)

Author's Note: This poem isn't meant to offend anyone, but if you like Darla, don't read it. I have nothing against Julie Benz--I loved her on Roswell. I just don't like her character on Angel.

Ode to Darla

Someone please kill Darla--
She really isn't nice.
Burn her or behead her,
A staking would suffice.

Bring Drusilla back instead
She's a cool vamp.
Someone please get rid of Darla;
I can't stand that horrid tramp.

She's making Angel miserable,
And breaking up the gang.
Just kill her quickly please,
Send her out with a big bang.

Harmony or Spike
Would better than Darla be.
Cordelia staking Angel's sire
Is something I'd love to see.

Just let her do it soon
Or Wes or Gunn or Fred.
Someone please dust Darla
And make sure that she stays dead!

writing: poetry, show: angel

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