Title: You Are My Home (18/?)
Pairing: Nine/Rose, Owen/Katherine Harper
Genre: Romance
Rating: pg
Author's Note: So this chapter turned out completely differently than I originally intended and it probably wasn't a good idea for me to introduce a whole group of new characters that I'm going to want to play with more but I couldn't help it. Jack needs
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Comments 8
I like how you continue to work characters from DW and Torchwood into your story. They fit perfectly in your AU. I am happy to see Tosh.
The meeting between the Doctor, Rose, and Jack is something to look forward to. The couples first one with Jackie though...
I am really glad that I found a way to work the Torchwood characters in, aside from Ianto and Gwen who I will work in later probably. I have a list of characters I want to find roles for which somehow doesn't seem to be getting any shorter. xD
I can't wait to read about Jack meeting up with them!
Poor Jackie too. I wonder how she's handling all of this... Well, she's just as headstrong as Rose is, so I hope all is well.
I LOVE how you include all these characters into your story! You're doing a marvelous job!
I am excited for that part as well, it's still a couple chapters away though.
There will be a chapter from Jackie's perspective soon to show how she's handling it. I don't know that well is the right word necessarily but better than she did when Rose was accidentally gone for a year at least. xD
Thank you!
(I will be posting the OT3 fic soon. It is taking slightly longer to write than anticipated.)
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