Title: Run
Characters: The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler
Pairings: Nine/Rose-ish
Genre: Sort of Angst/Fluff, if that makes sense
Rating: PG
Author's Note: This is chapter three of my sort of NaNoWriMo fic. I know I'm horrendously behind. I've almost got the next two chapters done though so they should be up by this weekend.
Chapter One: Paris Chapter Two:
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Comments 6
I really liked the power in these lines:
As soon as he’s gone he contemplates the woman from Paris’ words. He doesn’t think that he deserves a second chance at being happy, but he supposes that he owes the girl a second chance at an extraordinary life, whether she becomes the woman or not.
The Doctor and Rose's relationship is so epic. It spans all of time and space and the multi-verse.
Thank you for posting.
Their relationship is probably the most amazing love story I've ever become obsessed with. The lengths they're willing to go to for each other are amazing.
*tackles it down to the ground*
So glad I found you here :) I read the first two parts over in Tumblr but didn't know there was a third chapter up already.
I am thoroughly intrigued with the idea of the timeywhimey bits (hee) and can't wait to see where you'll take it next.
And I love this part to bits:
He isn’t thinking about the woman in Paris anymore. She may have been what he wanted but as Rose Tyler laughs and rests her head against his shoulder he is certain she is exactly what he needs.
That's one of my favorite parts. I was having such a hard time figuring out how I ought to end this chapter and then finally that happened and I hoped other people would like it as much as I did.
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