Title: Cross Atlantic Misunderstandings (Prologue)
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Jesse Lacey [Harry Potter/Brand New].
Disclaimer: Please, don't insult your intelligence by thinking this is real. FICTION.
Summary: Remus never intended on staying long, though if he were being honest, he never really intended on coming in the first
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Comments 8
But yeah, anyway... this was really funny and really well-written and just as entertaining as reading a Harry Potter book. And somehow, you are making it work? I don't know how that's possible. Clearly you are magic. ♥
You were serious (Sirius? *shot*) about this.
Ack. Ackackack. REMUS/JESSE.
I was emphatically not going to read this for fear of my brain breaking. But I'm pretty sure it's already broken... and once I got past the first few paragraphs, I couldn't stop. JAN. I NEED TO KNOW HOW YOU'RE PLANNING ON MAKING THIS WORK. Ack.
*goes back to running around in circles*
And, er, I'm not sure how bad this was or what you think of it just yet, whatever the case, I'm still happy you like it! At least I think that you like it, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Gosh, ILU!
And how do I plan to make this work? Well in my head it's already happened and finished, I just have to translate it to the net via keyboard with the help of my lovely beta. If you're asking plot wise, well... that comes with the next part and if you're asking about background/plausibility? Ah Lord, okay. Basically, JKR never existed and the world is none the wiser to Harry Potter books because that would have just killed my brain trying to explain how a character from a book, I'm pretty sure Lacey would read, has transported from another dimension.
Right, I don't know if all that ramble explained anything (or if it managed to convince you I'm crazy) but I'm glad you like this anyway, it appeases my rather creepy Remus obsession/fetish.
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