Friends only

Aug 28, 2016 10:58

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Comments 11

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xscylon November 23 2009, 18:03:32 UTC
Heeey! How are you?! Of course that's okay! Friended you right back!! See you around! ;-)


angiescully November 24 2009, 13:41:24 UTC

I hope you got home safely! Wish you could've stayed the entire day on Sunday. ♥


xscylon November 24 2009, 20:59:11 UTC

Yup I did! And me too! Sounds like I missed an epic moment, but I had to go to the airport. But everything else was amazing too and I just consider myself damn lucky!!



bsg_stardust December 20 2009, 09:35:12 UTC

Via the marymcawesome comm I came across your profile, and I saw that we have a lot of same interests.

First of all, we're both Dutch, lol. =D
But, anyway, I read that you love Australia and New Zealand.. Me too, but unfortunately I haven't been able to go there yet. =(
And we both love sci-fi (BSG and Voyager rocks!).

So I was just wondering if I can friend you. I'd like to have an LJ friend from the Netherlands!


xscylon December 20 2009, 14:37:45 UTC
Heya Dutchie! You're fairly new to LJ aren't you? Would love to get to know a fellow Dutch BSG fan, so go on and friend me! :-)


meryl_edan February 9 2010, 22:29:06 UTC
hey! It's Erin, from the weekend. :) Friends?


xscylon February 10 2010, 07:30:16 UTC
Heeeey!!! Hell yeah!! *runs over to friend you back*

Cash|Mary: best.vid.ever! :-D


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xscylon September 25 2010, 21:53:29 UTC
Heya! Glad to hear you like the moodtheme ;-) If you're here just for my art I suggest you hop over to my art comm, oblaye. But if you're here because you want to get to know me, then sure! I enjoy meeting new people ;-)


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