Frequently Asked Questions

Aug 08, 2011 15:49

About my translations/summaries
Q: What's this LiveJournal for?
A: Main place for translations/summaries posting, also fandom squealing, ALSO real life junk. Real life stuff are mainly locked - the extremely personal ones.

Q: What's the tumblr site for, ultimately?
A: It is really only meant for translations. So feel free to stalk over there if you ( Read more... )

echochi, !about me, translation, zodiac_subs

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Comments 15

crissema August 8 2011, 09:16:07 UTC
Oh, this is like a scanlation meme XDDDD
I like that you included the "why BL" question. Indeed a good one!


xploded_tb August 8 2011, 14:37:08 UTC
LOL! No man, not a meme. Just FAQs. :3

Ahahaha, that's true you know. Sometimes reading BL is for the sake of reading BL. ^^;;


amelia_seyroon August 8 2011, 16:26:45 UTC
Q: Anywhere else I can find you?
A: Not really - I dwell mainly at LiveJournal, and that's about the only place you'll find me.

Oh no...what would happen if LJ goes kaput and we lose contact with each other? D:


xploded_tb August 8 2011, 17:05:36 UTC
I was also thinking of importing my entries to Dreamwidth, too. xD;; Not so fast, though! Either that or I'd shift to wordpress. :\ I haven't thought about it so far...



amelia_seyroon August 8 2011, 17:06:18 UTC


kumagoro87 August 9 2011, 03:31:48 UTC
Yeah! Why BL? *hints* LOL, lovely FAQ btw. :D

Well, I have your wordpress on my reader so I'm constantly stalking you but you're not posting anything there. :(

BTW, I ordered the Minazuki Akira lynx book, Shiranu wa Omae Bakari and added to our future. SO, your fate has been decided!! Bwahahaha! No backing out!


xploded_tb August 9 2011, 17:36:38 UTC
BL? Why? Well because it's BL, that's why!

Hahaha, yeah I will mainly slowly dump translations there for those who prefer Wordpress lor. Other than that, I won't update with anything else for now.

qefhwioejfwuinfijwniufjswfnw /clings to you like some mad idiot


kumagoro87 August 10 2011, 00:57:14 UTC
I prefer wordpress over lj when it comes to blog. The only reason why I'm still here is for the community and awesome people like you who only had LJ :'D

Yesh! Cling on to meeeeeh! Yesasia's still processing my order, I'm checking on it every single damn day D8


xploded_tb August 10 2011, 09:33:42 UTC
The only reason why I'm still here is for the community and awesome people like you who only had LJ


No problem~ Take it slow. Not like I can have it done that quickly. xD


eumiharun August 9 2011, 07:02:23 UTC
Followed you on wordpress (shikimic/bishie holic). haha! Nice FAQ. :D


xploded_tb August 9 2011, 17:37:12 UTC

;D I do what I have to do for fandom! Uhhh, I guess. xD


blackcherriess January 14 2012, 23:59:35 UTC
LOL-ing so much at the question about why BL only but i do share the same sentiments. i love the ones that seem realistic (as realistic as a manga can be) and those that make me hug a tissue box soooo tightly!

btwwwwww i know you're one of the staff but bb, i must tell you i really adore Saiyaku wa Boku wo Suki Sugiru (though it's not completely that realistic; gosh, i hope such things don't happen in RL). it's just so jfdksjfdsfads that i'm reading the chinese scans too <3


xploded_tb January 15 2012, 00:02:15 UTC
Well yeah! A touch of realism sometimes allows people to relate at times, as much as it's a fictional world! That's the draw of manga. <333 And yus, I think it was like 1001 Nights or something. The drawing wasn't impressive, there was raep but it was emotional and pretty darn cool. I liked it. I should go find it and let you read it. Haha. I forgot the name even...

xD I enjoy Saiyaku as well! I hope more chapters get released soon. I'm not translating that so I dunno the progress haha.


blackcherriess January 15 2012, 02:39:59 UTC
erm i think that's the korean version right? i have that!(: i'm okay with rape as long as it makes sense to have it within the storyline ... and it's not some senseless addition to the plot (after all, it's not as if there's no rape in the present society). haha, i actually forgot many of the manga i've read and just remember the plot

haha no worries(: i'm happy to find chinese scans at least but of course, reading english scans are definitely better! (sometimes i prefer chinese scans due to the translation but i think you guys have done an awesome job to the various manga!) to be honest, i was hoping that it would be a short story (cuz i've that love-hate relationship of waiting for the magazine to release a chapter!) but well, long is good to enjoy the awesome-ness of the manga~


xploded_tb January 15 2012, 12:56:26 UTC
I think it depends on which group is working on it. I hear there are some groups who don't translate very accurately so from time to time some people read 'em and realize there are mistakes. :P

Lol, I remembered only the 1001 correctly. It's this one here.


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