I am currently flying to San Jose at far too early in the morning. I've had about an hour and a half of sleep in the last 24 so you can know my state of mind as I write this. Djinnaya and Jason will be picking me up from the airport and we will head out to Cambria once again, for my favorite event of the year.
My tradition now is to write this before I head out for this final shindig of the year.
Edit: I am now sitting at Djinn and Jason's house, on January 3rd. I didn't manage to get this done before heading out so even though I need to get up in a little over 4 hours to get ready to head to the airport for the flight back to Austin, I needed to get this done.
If you're interested in the past:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/2841.html I forgot 2004.
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/64612.html#cutid1 2006: (this one is locked friends only because it was a very honest one)
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/152572.html 2007:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/183143.html#cuti 2008:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/261591.html 2009:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/305177.html#cutid1 In the Chinese Zodiac 2010 was the year of the Tiger:
It was said to have pleasant moments for people's personal lives and upheaval in careers, politics, and finances.
I'd say that felt pretty true.
This year I actually took notes as the year went along so this should actually be more accurate than in years past
What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?
saw my first show at South by Southwest
voted for a reality show contestant (for America's Best Dance Crew)
ate chicken fried bacon
went canoeing (Minister Dave had a bunch of us go out, I shared a canoe with Porn)
dressed up as a clown
went to the Lusty Lady-a peep show booth (same night as clown rampage),
got called for jury duty (didn't get picked)
took Mary Grace to to see her first ballet (Nutcracker)
Bands/Shows I hadn’t seen before:
Flaming Lips
Josh Ritter
Austin Ballet's The Nutcracker
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't necessarily make resolutions, but I am constantly striving to Get My Shit Together-What did I accomplish with this meme in mind?
Same as always: Lose the rest of the weight I want to lose and get on a more regular, heavier exercise schedule. I do want to work on taking my vitamins more regularly and being better about drinking water.
2010 verdict: Always a struggle but I did better this year than in probably 15 years. I am losing weight and am working with a trainer. I have been working out 2-3 times per week since July since I got on the bandwagon. I never knew if I could do that.
I gave up Diet Coke due to many reasons but I know it can't be bad for me to have given it up.
Water I do drink much more. The vitamin thing still isn't as steady as t should be especially with the diet, so I have got to work to make this better next year.
WIN=I will say yes as I have made definite decisions to make a change with this and it's working.
2010 was supposed to be about being back out of debt which if I am good I can do by about July.
FAIL. I tried to tighten up last year but didn't really. I got a renter but that was pretty close to a disaster.
So 2011 is for reals about getting out of debt. I have a plan that involves selling stock, possibly refinancing, giving up Sylkia as my assistant, and going into financial lockdown.
Have it all be good. How did I do?
I feel good in this department. Being close to Houston has allowed for more contact with my Mom, who seems happier this year than previous. I have made it a calendar item to speak with her regularly so I feel like I'm doing what I should be and enjoying it.
My sister Janelle and I are good as always. She's far away and we don't speak as much as we should, but we're always good instantly and facebook has helped me at least know more of what her day to day is like.
I went to El Paso and visited with my half siblings and my niece and nephew in February. It was a great visit and I got to spend some good time with all of them. I have offered to bring my little sister to Flipside as she seems to be getting her shit together finally at 21. We'll see how it all goes.
I decided I didn't want to see my father while there. I had asked that he not be told I was going. My brother didn't want to lie so told him, but he didn't make the move to see me since I hadn't contacted him.
Romantic Relationship(s):
The regular goodness I am getting I continue to get and continues to be just lovely.
I said finding a romantic partner would be a focus in 2010.
But not so much. I did have a new harmless crush for a little while which was nice, even if absolutely nothing came of it.
I will continue with 2009 and 2010’s statement saying that I feel the rest of my show is stable. I'm pretty whole right now, and not looking for anyone to complete me. But more goodness is good, and it would be nice to have a hand to hold through all this.
I plan on actually putting energy into internet dating in 2010 and going on at least a few dates this time
Personal Growth:
In 09 and 10 I wanted to l meditate, and become a person who is healthy as a general rule.
Still didn't make it on the meditating. But I am healthier as a general rule.
This year I will work on the meditation practice.
2010 was a good year for me workwise. I studied for and achieved my PHR (professional human resources certification). I was beginning to tire of the job and went so went for and got a promotion that felt tailor made for me. So the work I am doing now is less trying and has more autonomy which is nice as the las job had almost none. We have a new boss and I have some concerns, but I'm hoping to flesh out my position in the next year and have as good a relationship as I can with the new boss.
I had planned to be done with phase 1 of the inside tasks by last January. I said the overall goal was making it a home I can be proud of, be happy to come home to, and that other people want to spend time in when they can.
I think we have accomplished that. There's still a closet or two and tiny pockets of the house that make me unhappy, but I think we will fix that in the later half of the year (after I get out of debt.)
We put in a firepit out back and despite some challenges it is great so far.
Art: I didn't have this as a category last year which says it wasn't a priority. This year as I spend less money I spend on making more time for art. This year I made one collage piece and did a few crafty things but nothing major.
In 2011 I plan to:
knit myself a scarf concoction that I saw at a craft fair and want to try to create rather than spend the $95 she wanted
Spend some time with my sewing machine
Do more collages
Make art for my Flipside theme camp
Finish my needlepoint project I started years ago
Write at least a 50,000 word novel
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Mary J, Elaina, Bean, Jade
I feel like I’m forgetting someone. Hopefully you’ll remind me if it was you.
3b. Did anyone close to you get married?/what weddings did you attend?
Kelly Anne and Borgen, Jen and Rick, Effie and Benji, Djinn and Jason's, Ellen and Joe's, Wolf and Anni's, Bill & Phsyche's
4. Did anyone close to you die?
John Paramour (Texas John)-We were close once
Quest -not close to me but to some of my people
5. What countries did you visit?
none. I had a plan to not go to Burning Man and to go to Italy or Spain instead, but money stood in the way of it all.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
2010 answers I would like more romance, and more easy fun. (Our lives are great but we work very hard for our fun.)
No romance, but I feel like it was easier.
So romance. Aside from that my life is not lacking much at all.
7. What would you like to have less of in 2011 that you had in 2010?
By getting out of debt I will have less anxiety over money. I make enough to live my life and living this close to the wire freaks me out.
8. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
New New Year's
Debauch Night
Djinn and Jason's wedding day and night,
Flipside and Kat's white party making almost all of Flipside seem like they were in white and the night Team High cheered
June tubing
Ferris Buehler hooky day
My Petaluma Burning Man/Best Slumber Party Ever
Joe's clown bachelor partyJoe and Ellen Wedding Weekend
Halloween weekend (specifically the brunch and swimming day)
Day air conditioner overflowed and doors were broken and car wouldn't start
day returned to find that garage leak had gone on all weekend
9. What were your biggest achievements of the year?
gaining my PHR
getting a promotion (and off the phones)
gave up Diet Coke
throwing the Homecoming Dance
10. What was your biggest failure?
losing my keys in Sylkia's car for months
losing that new renter
11. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I got the plague last year at Tiwgs. Again we’ll see how I do this year.
I got strep throat after Joe and Ellen's wedding.
My friends have cooties.
12. What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets to events and plane tickets
12a. What were the best gifts you got?
Nila and Hector helping to fix the firepit fiasco
New Fluevogs from Robert (not just the gift itself but the fact that he doesn't give gifts normally and that he paid attention)
13. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Caution's for taking care of Sodium (and Bella), Kat and Bustin for moving to Austin
14. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
my renter
15. Where did most of your money go?
Stuff for house, Insurance
16. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Flipside, Twigsville
17. What song will always remind you of 2010?
Tightrope by Janelle Monae
18. Compared to this time last year, are you:_
a. happier or sadder?_Happier to about the same
b. ii. thinner or fatter?_Thinner
c. iii. richer or poorer?_Poorer
19. What do you wish you'd done more of?
More me time and more time with friends.
20. What do you wish you'd done less of?
21. How will you be spending Christmas?
Spent it with family in Houston TX.
22. What happened to question 22?_
It's watching Netflix streaming.
23. Did you fall in love in 2010?
24. How many one-night stands?
25. How many all-night parties?
Too many to count. One of the good things in my life.
26. What were your favorite TV programs?_
(Netflix streaming happened this year for me, so there was a lot more) The Riches, Weeds, True Blood, The I.T. Crowd, Nip/Tuck, Glee, Modern Family, Work of Art, Project Runway, The Choir, The Office
27. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. Hate takes too much energy.
28. What was the best book you read?_
The Hunger Games trilogy (thought I didn't love the ending)
I also liked Duma Key by Stephen King which I listened to the audiobook
29. What was your greatest musical discovery?
janelle monae. I don't love her whole album but a woman combining hip hop and sci fi, particularly with her rad hair and tuxedo styles intrigues me.
30. What did you want and get?
my promotion, a tv surround sound system, light up poi
31. What did you want and not get?
to get to go to Italy. My beloved transporter.
32. What was your favorite film(s) of this year?
Exit Through the Gift Shop, Pirate Radio, Toy Story 3, Despicable Me, Timer, Inception (in DBox seats!), Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Black Swan
33. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 37. I did errands with Sylkia. Then I had a combo birthday party with Steph Taylor again. This time it needed to be at my house instead of Caution and Sodium's so we had to limit it to the nearest and dearest and it was quite hard. It was a very mellow evening.
34. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Quickly getting a roommate that fit well and paid.
35. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
No concept but I think 2011 will see some changes in this area.
36. What kept you sane?_
People: My wife as always, Kat, Nila, Robert, Jana, JenMarie, Girlie, Tom, Pixie, Audrey
37. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
It was agood year for Eddie Izzard, Between the Riches and watching his documentary, he's lovely.
38. What political issue stirred you the most?_
Don't Ask Don't Tell getting repealed on my birthday was nice. I also think the It Gets Better project was great (though I think all teens could stand to hear the message not just the gay ones.)
39. Who did you miss?
My friends in other cities. Um yes. I could fill a post with the people I miss.
40. Who was the best new person you met?_
I didn't get close to anyone new this year. However, Kelly, one of my best friends from high school just returned to Austin after spending over a decade away and I'm looking forward to getting to know him again as well as his fiance. I also have enjoyed getting to know Corey better as he and Sylkia continue their romance.
40.5 Who did you know that want to get to know better in 2011?
Claire from the dive bar and Angelique
41. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010?
Pay attention to how the tests are graded.
42. Quote a Song Lyric that sums up your year.
The dog days are over
2011 is the Year of the Rabbit and is traditionally associated with home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and keeping the peace. Therefore, 2011 is very likely to be a relatively calmer one than 2010 both on the world scene, as well as on a personal level.
I know my year will be filled with the house, my friends, Kat having her baby, putting on one last GCI, a small lead position of Regional Outreach for Flipside, putting on an installation/event at Flipside, deciding if I'm going to Burning Man, as well as all of the artistic and health goals I have for myself.
I am feeling very positive about the year ahead. I felt like 2010 was calm but in some ways I felt like I was treading water. I am looking forward to moving ahead in 2011.