Title: A Trip To Remember Pairing: Kyungsoo/Kris-centered, bff!Tao/Sehun, Luhan/Jongin Rating: G Genre: general/friendship Length: 2573 words Summary/Warnings:
this was very cute!! aside from few (i mean very few, like they could've just been typos) grammatical errors and some confusion about who was talking at certain points, i found this story enjoyable and the plotline to be very manly but fruity all the while.
I read your piece and this is one piece of constructive crit: Show don't tell. I feel that there's a lot and a lot of straight up telling in your writing style. It'd be good to show how someone felt during the fic as well. Right now, I feel as if it's just this happened, then they said this, then this happened. After a while, it can become a bit of a drag.
There were some parts that were a bit confusing, but I think it was confusing because there was too much new information being given out at one time. Instead of giving the reading a lot of new facts to digest, I think it would be better to introduce new information slowly. (This goes along with the show, don't tell thing that other anon mentioned).
For instance, the paragraph talking about who was going to the cabin was a bit overwhelming, but maybe it would be less confusing if you inserted a flashback and explained through dialogue instead?
Comments 7
(In my mind the story didn't really end there anyway, so I'll think about continuing it.)
(Sorry for the errors/confusion though ><)
I read your piece and this is one piece of constructive crit: Show don't tell. I feel that there's a lot and a lot of straight up telling in your writing style. It'd be good to show how someone felt during the fic as well. Right now, I feel as if it's just this happened, then they said this, then this happened. After a while, it can become a bit of a drag.
But apart from that, your fics are cute!
There were some parts that were a bit confusing, but I think it was confusing because there was too much new information being given out at one time. Instead of giving the reading a lot of new facts to digest, I think it would be better to introduce new information slowly. (This goes along with the show, don't tell thing that other anon mentioned).
For instance, the paragraph talking about who was going to the cabin was a bit overwhelming, but maybe it would be less confusing if you inserted a flashback and explained through dialogue instead?
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