Title: Junction Chapter : 3 Rating : G Genre : romance Pairing : Kyumin (Kyuhyun / Sungmin) , QMi (Kyuhyun / Zhoumi) Summary : Cho Kyuhyun is at a junction between Lee Sungmin and Zhoumi.
I should be preparing my english talk for tomorrow but I've decided not to resist anymore to the chap' 4 call!! Am I not actually studying my english here? * Yeah i'm sure the teacher will be amazed if you tell her what's going on btw QMiMin* Anyway...seeing the first words made my guilt vanish... "Kui Xian" Have I already said I like that? *You did* Sulky Kyu is... Kyute *OMG she didn't dare saying that stupid joke right Oo?* Sorry ><'
"Kui Xian baby" and "my baby PSP" ZhouMi... leave him!!! If I were Mimi, I would probably be more envious towards the PSP than SungMin!!!
"wondering what Zhoumi's up to" They're plotting about leaving together and have happy end without you!!! HAHAHA *she's such a pain!!*
Ahhh Teukie... he always wants to know everything doesn't he? OOOOO My Baby Wookiiiiiiiiiiiiiie <3 Yeah make Kyu jealous
( ... )
Comments 22
Am I not actually studying my english here?
* Yeah i'm sure the teacher will be amazed if you tell her what's going on btw QMiMin*
Anyway...seeing the first words made my guilt vanish... "Kui Xian" Have I already said I like that? *You did*
Sulky Kyu is... Kyute *OMG she didn't dare saying that stupid joke right Oo?* Sorry ><'
"Kui Xian baby" and "my baby PSP" ZhouMi... leave him!!!
If I were Mimi, I would probably be more envious towards the PSP than SungMin!!!
"wondering what Zhoumi's up to" They're plotting about leaving together and have happy end without you!!! HAHAHA
*she's such a pain!!*
Ahhh Teukie... he always wants to know everything doesn't he?
OOOOO My Baby Wookiiiiiiiiiiiiiie <3 Yeah make Kyu jealous ( ... )
oh no ! that's a good joke, don't be scared of your jokes.
i love laughing :D
o_O nononononono, Zhoumi can't leave Kui Xian (hypnotizing you to use Kui Xian instead of Kyuhyun >DD )
yes yes :3 wooooookie coooooooookie <33
um, it's a surprise where's Mimi's going >D
i always end it like that because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
it makes reader want more (like you do)
am i right ? XD
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