Jan 15, 2006 09:42
1) I just woke up from a dream where the Gerard/Mikey/Alicia sex tape got released to the internet. *takes breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
2) Is there a reason companies dub porn? Is there a whole audience out there that scorns it if they can't hear people going "Oh my God fuck my pussy!" and "Suck me, baby" in their native tongue? Are people confused about what's going on without the dialogue? "I know he's sucking her clitoris, but what's his motivation? I want to be moved!"
3) There are multiple groups of...actors, shall we call them? from different countries who dub porn for a living. They sit around in a booth with mikes and sound equipment, chuckling randomly in rich voices and keeping up a steady chipmunklike dither of "oh! oh! oh! oh! oh!" I suspect they insert things like "feels soooooo bueno" or "ICH KOMMT! ICH KOMMT!!!" when someone brings them Starbucks, but I can't prove it.
4) Why the hell has nobody ever done a porn voiceover AU for popslash? They'd totally pawn off all the penetration groans on Lance.
5) I have to work today.