Title: Applewood and Wormholes
wingedflight21Fandoms: Chronicles of Narnia / Doctor Who
Characters Susan Pevensie; Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Wilfred Mott
Pairings: Jack/Susan
Rating: PG
Word count: 7200
Spoilers: Narnia - up through The Last Battle; Doctor Who - up to and including The End of Time
Warning: Captain Jack.
Disclaimer: Both the
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Comments 8
I particularly liked Susan.
disclaimer: i only know Susan from the recent films & from bits and pieces mentioned in conversation.
she keeps getting left behind...but she keeps herself afloat and has confidence and a determination. (and was that a hint about finding a way to return to Narnia?)
a nice way to marry (divine) magic with the travel methods of the Whoverse.
I loved how you wrote Susan, so sweet and gracious, but also tough as nails and driven. That felt so true to her. Her whole story was so dark and sad, how there's no one left for her to get back to. I loved her determination to help Donna. And WILF! This was fabulous all around.
This is amazing. So understated but so emotional. The Susan and Donna feels get me right in the gut.
I love it all. Fantastic job!
So glad you enjoyed this, and thanks for reviewing!
It's funny, cause I started this with the mere thought that it would be such fun to have Susan and Donna be roommates and only as I got into the story did I realize how very alike the two of them are, regarding both memories (and the struggle to retain them) and how it feels to be denied the world they are meant for.
And I'm so glad you liked my first companion!Susan story, too! I keep thinking that I'm done with that verse and then something comes along to pull me back in and write another story - and given the way this one ends, I wouldn't be surprised if, eventually, another one turns up as well! Ha.
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