(H50/White Collar) Eight million stories out there and they’re naked for jedibuttercup

Dec 11, 2011 09:01

Title: Eight million stories out there and they’re naked
Author: ariadnes_string
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-O, White Collar
Characters: Kono, Chin-Ho Kelly, Danny, Steve; Peter, Neal, Diana, Jones
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Word count: ~8K
Spoilers: none (pre-S3 for White Collar, pre-S2 for Hawaii Five-O)
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: White Collar and Hawaii-Five O belong ( Read more... )

exchange: fall11, fandom: white collar, rating: g/pg/pg13, fandom: hawaii 5-0

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Comments 12

malnpudl December 11 2011, 07:39:14 UTC
This is a dozen kinds of awesome. Steve going crazycakes and forgetting he's a team kind of guy because he wants so badly to believe it's true. The team knowing better, and knowing Steve, and going after him. Kono being all of the kinds of awesome -- and I have so very much love for scene in which she bonds with Diana. Fabulous crossover.


ariadnes_string December 12 2011, 18:21:55 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Writing Kono's perspe give on New York was particularly fun and I was tickled by the idea of her hanging out with Diana and talking about guns :). I'm glad that worked okay--

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


saphirablue December 11 2011, 12:01:20 UTC

I adore the Kono POV! I love that Danny, Kono and Chin do everything to find Steve. I love the observation that Danny moves and talks a bit different when he is back in New York.

Danny vs. Neal? ♥ Danny vs. Peter? ♥ Neal vs. Steve? ♥

I love the little Outsider POV of Kono regarding the White Collar people! ♥

Diana and Kono bonding! \o/

You have their voices dow. I've heard them talking as if this was an episode. ♥

The only thing I'm not quite buying: Steve doing this because some thug says he has evidence that his mother is still alive. But, that's just me. (to be honest, I thought that Mary got kidnapped and is being used to get Steve to do what the thug wants until you mentioned Steve's mother)

Thank you very much for this very awesome fic! =)


ariadnes_string December 12 2011, 18:29:22 UTC
Yeah, I'm not sure Kono totally buys that either :). I wanted something that would have Steve off the rails and just this side of crazy--even more than he'd been when Mary was kidnapped last season-- not sure it entirely worked.

Glad you enjoyed the rest of it, though-- it was fun to take Kono out of her element a bit. Thanks for reading and commenting!


micheleeeex December 11 2011, 20:08:56 UTC


ariadnes_string December 12 2011, 18:30:35 UTC
I'm so glad! Thanks for letting me know!


infinimato December 11 2011, 20:28:47 UTC
My love for this burns like a zillion suns. From them determined to find Steve, no matter what, to Kono & Diana bonding, to Neal and Kono, to Steve "taking out" Neal (who of course has a rabbit in his hat, er, shorts), to Danny chewing out Steve six ways to Sunday, and everything in between.

This, my friend, is a blast!


ariadnes_string December 12 2011, 18:34:24 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love both sets of characters, but it was strangely hard to imagine how and if they'd get along--very glad you thought the interactions worked.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


jedibuttercup December 12 2011, 09:32:55 UTC
This is fabulous. Twenty kinds of amazing. Thank you so, so much. I absolutely love that you chose Kono for the POV character; the teaminess of both teams; the perfect characterizations; Kono and Diana bonding; the noticing of the differences in culture; Kono gauging Neil as dangerous; all of it. ♥♥♥♥


ariadnes_string December 12 2011, 18:38:52 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love all these characters but it was hard for a while to figure out how they'd act around each other--glad you felt the interactions worked! It was prett fun to imagine what Kono would think of New York tho' :)

Thanks for giving me a chance to bring these shows together!


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