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Comments 9

perdiccas December 7 2011, 14:36:43 UTC
I have been reading this in bits on and off all day so I could savour it, it was that good! Raylan and Loretta's relationship was one of my all time favourite things from S2, so I really enjoyed them adventuring together; Raylan's protectiveness of her is so endearing. And oh my gosh Boyd. You write him exactly like he is on the show, complex and affable and ruthless when he needs to be. I love how you really brought out the complicated relationship he and Raylan have, how they're both friends and not friends at the same time.

Everything with the ghosts and how you tied that into Raylan's complicated relationship with Winona was brilliant. And I especially loved how you managed to set this all so firmly in Harlan and its history.

This was a wonderful and engrossing read. Really well done! ♥


norgbelulah December 9 2011, 18:37:00 UTC
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it so much!

And oh my gosh Boyd. You write him exactly like he is on the show, complex and affable and ruthless when he needs to be. I love how you really brought out the complicated relationship he and Raylan have, how they're both friends and not friends at the same time.

THANK YOU. I really love writing Boyd and I'm so glad when he gets picked out as a particularly authentic part of whatever fic I'm writing. Their relationship is my absolute favorite thing about this show. I could write a million words about them and not get tired.

Writing this fic was a labor of love, as you may be able to tell from the word count. I love it so, and I'm so so glad it's being loved by others. Please rec it if you can, I know 17,000 words is kind of a monster to read. <3


jebbypal December 8 2011, 13:45:23 UTC
absolutely gorgeous. You really captured justified and I like the portrayal of Sam and dean in this verse. Excellent job!!


norgbelulah December 9 2011, 18:37:39 UTC
Thanks so much! And I saw your rec on my flist! You're the best!!! :D


skieswideopen December 10 2011, 02:38:07 UTC
Oh, this is fantastic! I love the inclusion of Loretta, and Raylan's protectiveness toward her (I so like to imagine their relationship on the show is something like this after season two, even though they probably won't show us it), and how level-headed Loretta is through everything. I love the complexity of Raylan's relationship with Boyd, which so perfectly echoes the show. I love the way the two fandoms are blended--Sam and Dean relying on the Crowders, the way ghosts are brought in and made particularly relevant to Raylan. Really, I just love the whole thing. 17 000 words of fabulously-written Justified/Supernatural is such an expected gift of the exchange!


norgbelulah December 10 2011, 22:27:32 UTC
Thanks so much for your love! I'm so so glad that you enjoyed the fic and that there was so much for you to love in it. :D


assassin_nariel March 22 2012, 17:45:03 UTC
This is brilliant.
I can only second what the others said, and gah, possessed!Raylan was genius, it gets a little confusing, but hell, it's his damn point of view, of course it is. It's a great bit of writing, right there. How he seems to be blind, acting without wanting to, and when he threatens Loretta, god. Of course she stays fucking cool like the little BAMF that he is, she'll grow up to be a badass superhero and you know it.
Descending into incoherence, sorry.
And Dean really does come across as a dick if you don't know him. Heh. :D
The allusions to the cave-in, too. It reminds me of Hellfire - of course Raylan can't stay cool and badass all the time. It's good that you have him freaked out, put through the wringer, and how he slowly collects himself again - ALL MY FEELINGS ALL OF THEM. Aherm.
Boyd, you mysterious magnificent bastard.
tldr, quit whatever you're doing and go write for the show. Graham Yost doesn't know what he's missing, not having you on his team.
Fucking fantastic.


norgbelulah March 23 2012, 04:15:59 UTC
Descending into incoherence, sorry.

Never apologize for fic induced incoherence, it is among the very best of compliments. <3

tldr, quit whatever you're doing and go write for the show. Graham Yost doesn't know what he's missing, not having you on his team.
Fucking fantastic.

Thank you SO MUCH. :D This comment made my week. I love this fic to bits. Tell everyone you know to read it. :P


assassin_nariel March 23 2012, 06:49:43 UTC
Yeah but I do wish I could record an audio post of my excited crazy squee. I mean, I literally squeed. I was sitting on my couch making squeaky sounds ( ... )


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