Title: Look Away
laney_1974Fandoms: Harry Potter/Twilight
Characters Twilight: Charlie Swan; Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1,955
Spoilers: Twilight: Eclipse then it goes AU. Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix then it goes AU.
Warnings: Death of a non-main and evil character off screen.
Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyers owns
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Comments 14
Also, I love your Luna.
Thank you for writing and posting this.
The feeling like it's an opening is kind of intentional in the sense that I wanted the reader to walk away with imagining Charlie becoming part of the HP world. I'll confess that I'm not all that sure if I'll continue it.
Again, thanks so much for your feedback.
Oh, you had to go and tease me, didn't you? Ah, well, I know how annoying it is when fics don't want to cooperate. What was the idea, if I may ask?
The fic started from Oz's point of view where he wakes up a sort of prisoner with Leah and Remus by someone who obviously has an interest in werewolves. A bit of a cliche, but I did have a spin on it.
I think the fic stalled because I'd already written an Oz and Leah fic for another challenge about a month earlier and whenever I tried to write it I kept wanting to set it in that 'verse. That and I've never written Remus before.
That being said, now that I'm talking about it I might end up writing anyway. I'll post a link if I do. :D
Also, I'm glad that Charlie got a chance to be awesome, because he totally deserves that.
I agree, Charlie deserves to be awesome. He's my favourite character to write in Twilight as well as Leah Clearwater.
Definitely feels more like an interesting start than a stand-alone ;o)
Lovely work.
I'm glad you gave it a go! Thanks for your feedback.
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