(Heroes/Star Trek) The Conscience of Kirk for artemis_sparks

Dec 12, 2009 14:56

Title: The Conscience of the Kirk, or How to Stop a Pathetically Self-Destructive Man
Author: brighteyed_jill
Fandoms: Heroes/Star Trek XI
Characters Peter Petrelli, plus guest appearances by Eden, Claire, Matt, Mohinder, Elle, Micah, and Nathan Petrelli; James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, plus guest appearance by Uhura, Gaila, Chekov, and Sulu.
Pairings: Kirk/Peter ( Read more... )

exchange: fall09, rating: nc17, fandom: heroes, fandom: star trek

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brighteyed_jill December 21 2009, 02:21:42 UTC
Kirk/Peter was meant to be! I'm glad you liked the Heroes folks popping up. There's so many awesome Heroes characters, I couldn't help but throw them in here and there. Plus you know Elle would definitely approve of Kirk/Peter. So happy that you liked this!


perdiccas December 13 2009, 08:07:04 UTC
Great, now I ship Peter/Kirk. ;)

Very hot and really very sweet. I've come to expect boatloads of angst from you and while this wasn't fluffy, it was funny and very cute in places. It turns out you do that just as well as super dark stuff. ♥

I really like the way you write Kirk. :D


brighteyed_jill December 21 2009, 02:23:18 UTC
Add it to your fleet!

Why ever would you expect angst from li'l ole me? *bats eyelashes* I'm happy the funny worked out, though, as it's not always the first place my mind goes. And Kirk is love: he can be an asshole sometimes, but he's always lovable.


shinealightonme December 14 2009, 08:19:48 UTC
Hah, I love this! I love how you made the Heroes characters fit into the Star Trek universe (the idea of Chekov and Micah as BFFs makes me happier than I can properly express). This was a lot of fun. Peter talking sense into Kirk - and how McCoy brags about him behind his back - were just perfect.

ETA: ooooo! I just went back to read this again and spotted this line I'd missed:

Gaila’s got a crush on some genetics nerd

Now I think I ship Gaila/Mohinder. SO AMAZING! *loves on your fic all over again*


brighteyed_jill December 21 2009, 02:28:28 UTC
The idea of Chekov and Micah as baby geniuses together smacked me in the face about halfway through writing this, and I knew I had to work it in somehow. Because you KNOW they'd hang out with Molly (who's totally studying navigation) and cause trouble.

Now I think I ship Gaila/Mohinder.
There are eleventy billion potential awesome Heroes/ST ships, but this one would be totally hot.

McCoy brags about him behind his back
McCoy definitely has a soft spot for James T., and we all know it. He may be an idiot, but he's McCoy' idiot, damnit!

Thanks for reading!


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