The Art of Spencer Ogling (One shot)

Jan 14, 2010 10:07

Title: The Art of Spencer Ogling
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: Pg - 13 (for swearing and Spencer's ass)
Pairing: Joncer, Ryden
POV: Third
Summary: "He is," he tells Brendon, "very attractive."
Disclaimer: I don't own the members of Panic! at the Disco or The Young Veins.
Beta: hooray4irony
Author Notes: Just a little one shot where Spencer is insanely hot (like he isn't in ( Read more... )

jon walker, panic! at the disco, coffe shop, checking out, brendon urie, au, ryan ross, spencer smith, the young veins

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Comments 2

psuedo_catalyst January 13 2010, 23:29:09 UTC
I think. I think I might be in love with you. I was going to write 'I think I'm a little in love with you, but that would be a dirty filthy LIE because the love that I right now have for you could move mountains. Marry me? We can spend our days together Spencer-watching. It'll be great.

Esentially, this was cute in all the non-nausiating ways that a thing can be cute, fun and funny and exactly what I didn't even really know I was looking for.


xojemmaxo January 14 2010, 00:30:06 UTC

Aww, thanks! I'm always up for marriage. :P

I'm glad you liked it!

And now there is Spencer - ogling fic in the world. We are all better off for it. :)


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