Practise Makes Perfect - Podfic

Jul 06, 2012 14:11

Title: Practise Makes Perfect
Author: ladyfoxxx
Reader: xojemmaxo
Fandom: Bandom, My Chemical Romance
Pairing: Gerard/Mikey
Rating: PG-13
Length: 8:48
Author's Summary: Gerard helps Mikey learn how to kiss.
Warnings: Australian accent :(

Text at LJ
Download from Mediafire

Also: This is my first ever podfic, so any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

podfic, waycest

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Comments 3

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xojemmaxo July 6 2012, 04:42:40 UTC
They're just heavenly. Like a budgie.


ladyfoxxx August 13 2012, 08:31:03 UTC
Latest response but this is completely adorable. I remember turlough recced this fic saying it was "innocent in a way she didn't think Waycest could be" and I think you really captured that in your reading.

Plus, as an Aussie, it was really nice to hear it in a familiar accent.

Well done.


xojemmaxo August 14 2012, 10:41:31 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! It really means a lot. Seriously, thank you.

It's also great to meet another Australian fan/writer/awesome person! (Although Victoria isn't being very Australian at the moment, it's freezing!)


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