Fic: Dragons and Phoenixes 2/3

Jun 09, 2007 02:46

Title: Dragons and Phoenixes - Part Two
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Pairings/Characters: Xander/Andrew/Spike
Ratings: NC-17 overall PG this chapter
Spoilers: Season 7
Warnings: Slash, slash, more slash, some biting (come on, it's Spike)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the BtVS-verse, I just like playing with the pretty boys
A/N: Written for spring_with_xan
A/N2: The third part is yet to be written and I doubt I will have it completed today, so for those who want to read it when it's finally done, just keep an eye on my journal
Previous Parts Here

Andrew gave the bouncer a smile as he bypassed the line and entered the club. Behind him he could hear the complaints of those waiting, but he ignored them in favour of searching out his lover. As always, the club was dark, the flickering lights from the stage only making it harder to see. Giving up he headed toward one of the tables at the back, knowing that Xander would find him before his shift was over. He nodded as a waiter place a glass in front him and turned his attention to the dancer on the stage. It was a new guy, still a bit stiff and unsure but he would probably get better with time.

"Hey, Andy babe." Andrew looked up at the man that had joined him, marvelling once again that the assortment of tattoos the covered the other man's skin. "I got an interesting request today."

"Hi, Luke. Request for what?"

"A tattoo, a dragon and a phoenix curled up together," the tattoo artist told him.

"Maybe he's an anime fan," Andrew shrugged.

"Didn't seem the type. He set of my dangerous radar. I deal with some hard people, but he was worse than all of them"

"What did he look like?"

"Bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, kinda skinny."

"British accent?"

"Yeah, you know him?" Luke asked. "I told him to come back tomorrow with a firm idea of what he wants."

"If it's who I think it is, yeah, I know him," Andrew sighed. "Though I don't know how it could be him."

"Would Xander know?"

"Yeah, I'll ask him when he comes over." He watched the tattoo artist walk off and turned his attention to the identity of this mysterious man. Spike was gone, burned up in the hellmouth, so who was pretending to be him?

He jumped when a large body suddenly flopped into the seat next to him. Xander looked over curiously as he patted his chest in an attempt to get his heart working again. "Andrew, what's wrong?"

"You scared me!" he gasped.

"Sorry," Xander apologized as he leaned over for a kiss. "Thought you saw me coming."

"No, I was thinking about something Luke said."

"Hm, what's the latest gossip?"

"Some guy asked him for a dragon and phoenix tattoo," Andrew said.

"So, not that unusual," shrugged Xander.

"Yeah, but this guy was blonde, thin and British."

Xander sat up straight and turned wide eyes on him. "Spike?"

"Don't know, but it might be," mused Andrew. "I mean, asking for that specific tat, blonde and British, sounds a lot like him."

"When's Luke seeing him next?"

"Tomorrow," he replied. "Wanna show up there and find out."

"I think we should," Xander admitted. "Spike deserved more than this."

**** **** **** **** ****

Andrew pushed the door to the shop open, wincing at the antiseptic smell. He headed back to Luke's station, smiling and waving at the people he knew on the way back. He only had the one tattoo, but the staff and patrons often stopped in at the bar so he saw them all the time. Luke wasn't at his station so Andrew sat in his seat with a sigh and got comfortable for the wait.

"Where's Xander?" Luke asked a few moments later, coming up from the back.

"He was stopping to get something to eat," Andrew said, smiling up at the taller man. "He should be here in a minute or two. Has your new customer come in yet?"

"Not yet, he's due in about twenty minutes." He began to set up his tools, working around the blonde in his seat. "So you guys think you know him?"

"Yeah, or we know who he's trying to be."

"Huh, okay then," Luke said. "Need you to move, Andy."

He slipped out of the seat with laugh and moved off to the side. He watched as Luke moved around the set of chairs, moving things here and there as he prepared for his customers. It had only taken a few weeks in town for Andrew to become fascinated by tattooing. He would never get another one, but he liked to watch as the images came to life on a canvas of flesh. The bell above the door broke him from his staring and he looked up to see Xander making his way back.

"Hey Luke," he greeted before turning to his lover. "Hi Andrew." He pulled the smaller man closer for a hard kiss. "Sorry I'm later. Took longer than I thought it would."

"That's okay, we're just waiting," he said, giving his lover another kiss.

"Luke, we're gonna go play in the back, page us when he gets here." Luke nodded and Andrew let Xander pull him towards the back room and offices. "Alone at last."

"But we don't have that much time," he murmured as he pulled Xander down for another kiss.

"I'm content with this."

The next few minutes were spent kissing until Andrew noticed the flashing red light above the door. "I think he's here," he said, nudging Xander's head up to see the light.

"Let's see who this guy is."

They peeked out the curtain to where Luke was set up and stared in shock. Platinum blond hair, bright blue eyes, razorblade cheek bones and infamous scar, it was Spike. Andrew felt his heart stop as Xander pushed past him into the main room and strode over to them. He could see the shock in Spike's eyes as he looked up at the towering brunette.


Andrew walked forward slowly, watching as blue eyes widened further.


"Hello Spike."

springwithxan, s/x, btvs

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