Fic: Never Piss Off a Priestess

Jan 16, 2010 19:10

Title: Never Piss Off a Priestess
Author: xocoatldreams
Fandom: Buffy/Angel
Characters/Pairings: Spike/Angel/Xander, Buffy, Willow
Rating: Um, R at the most
Prompt/Challenge: Emerge (tamingthemuse)
Warnings: Um, shapechanging?
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from Buffy or Angel. No money being made and no offense intended.
A/N: Um, just a bit of crack.

Inspired by this pic:

He was going to kill Spike, slowly and as painfully as possible. If he worked it right, he could make it last for years. He knew it had to be Spike's fault somehow, it always was and he doubted this time was any different. Glaring out the corner of this eye, Angel moved over a bit to avoid the tussling forms of Spike and Xander.

"Cheer up, Deadboy," Xander said, looking over at him. "It's not that bad and Willow will have it all figured out in a jiffy."

"Yeah, Peaches, Red's got a whole coven at her fingertips. She'll get up back to normal," Spike grinned, the tip of his tongue just peeking out.

"This is your fault," Angel growled, moving to loom over them.

"Um, no it's not," Xander disagreed, struggled out from underneath Spike. He stood and glared at Angel. "This is your fault."

"What?" Angel yelped, stepping back. "I didn't do anything!"

"Exactly," Xander nodded. "That witch yesterday, the one you ignored. She did this. She's a High Priestess to Bastet and you ignored her. We just got caught in the backlash of the magic. She's already apologized for that."

"My fault?" whimpered Angel, sitting down.

"S'okay, Peaches," Spike said, standing and walking over to lean against Angel's side. "Like we said, Red's got it all figured out. You might have to make amends to the Priestess, but it'll all be okay."

"It's my fault we're kittens," Angel moaned, laying down and curling up.

Spike sighed and glanced at Xander. Shaking his head, Xander moved forward and lay against Angel, giving him comfort in the only way he could in this form. Purring softly, they cuddled around Angel's shaking form. Soon the shaking stopped and the small kitten drifted off into a troubled sleep.

"Is he going to be okay?" Xander asked, looking over at Spike.

"I don't know, Pet," Spike sighed, laying his head across Angel's back. "This hit him hard. He's not used to be the one to cause the problems."

"No," Xander snorted. "He's used to fixing yours."

"Be nice or get a bath," Spike threatened, glaring at Xander.

"That look doesn't work with fur," Xander giggled, cuddling closer against Angel. "How can we help him? I don't like seeing him like this."

"Don't know, Xan," admitted Spike after a huge yawn. "We'll work on it when we're human again."

"Or at least human shaped," Xander agreed, wriggling until he was partially beneath Angel. "Night, Spike."

"Night, Xander."


"You're sure this will turn them back?"

Xander lifted his head and glared at Buffy for waking him up.

"Yes, Buffy," Willow said patiently. "The Priestess worked it out with me. We just have to have Angel apologize to her tomorrow or it'll reverse for him."

"Are you sure we can't leave them like this?" one of the younger slayers asked, reaching out to pet Xander. Fed up, Xander hissed and swiped a claw at her.

"We're not leaving them like this," Buffy said firmly, glaring at the young girl. "Don't you have chores to do?" Pouting, the slayer wandered off. "Sorry about that."

Xander nodded, knowing that Buffy, Willow and Dawn were doing their best to get the three men back to normal despite the wishes of the baby slayers. Smirking, Xander lifted one paw and pushed Spike off Angel's back, making the other kitten squeak in shock.

"You're going to get it for that," Spike promised, stalking toward Xander.

"Girls," Xander pointed. "Spell. Normal."

Spike looked up at the girls and stopped his movements. "Fine, but you're still going to get it."

"If you say so," Xander shrugged. "Wanna wake Angel up?"

Buffy laughed as the two awake kittens pounced on the sleeping one, sending the small form scurrying for shelter. The kitten wormed its way under the sweater draped over the arm of the couch, hiding from the other two.

"Come on out," she called, lifting the edge of the sweater. "We've got the spell to turn you back."

She watched as the mostly cream-coloured face emerged, ears twitching. Slowly, the rest of the kitten eased out, eyes still locked on the two sitting calmly on the other cushion.

"Ready?" Willow asked.

"Maybe they should be a bit apart?" Buffy said. "Just in case."

"Right," Willow nodded. She picked up one kitten and placed it on a chair while Buffy picked up another and set it on the other couch. "Here we go."


Angel winced as the pain lanced through him, just like before. Then he was crouched on the couch.

"Um, maybe someone should get them some clothes before the little ones see them," Willow said, looking at the ceiling and blushing.

"Why? None of us has anything to be ashamed of," Spike said, sliding off the couch and stretching.

"While that may be true," Buffy started, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the blonde. "Some of the others are too young to see men naked. Stay here and we'll get you guys something to wear."

She reached out and grabbed Willow's arm, pulling the redhead from the room. Angel watched them go, wondering just how he was supposed to apologize to the Priestess.

"Angel?" He glanced over at Xander, noticing the young man had come closer. "Are you okay?"

"No," Angel admitted, shifting into more comfortable position. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess. Both of you."

Xander shrugged. "I didn't mind so much. It was kind of fun."

"And I got to play in the sun," Spike grinned. "And attack whatever I wanted without getting in trouble."

Angel blinked as they both moved a bit closer. "What are you doing?"

Spike slid one hand up Angel's arm, over his neck and into his hair, pulling the bigger man towards him. "Helping you feel a little better." Then cool lips closed over Angel's silencing anything he might have said.

"What?" he managed to say when the kiss ended.

"Life isn't as serious as you make it out to be," Xander said quietly, pressing against his back. "And we're going to show you."


As they approached the room, Slayer hearing picked up familiar noises from inside. Blushing, Buffy took the clothing out of Willow's hands.

"I'm just going to leave these inside the door," she told her friend. Moving quickly and quietly, she opened the door, shoved the clothes in and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Willow asked, trying to get past her friend.

"Let's just saying giving each other baths carried over from their kitten experience," Buffy said, steering the witch down the hall.

"But they have nothing to bathe each other with in there," Willow protested.

"Oh yes they do," the Slayer replied, blushing at the reminder of the quick bit of scene she had seen.

"What do you mean? Tell me. Buffy? Buffy? Answer me!"



ats, tamingthemuse, btvs

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