don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way.

Jan 20, 2009 16:05

1) I didn't get the internship I'd wanted. Boo. Oh well, back to the search ( Read more... )

picspam, various men i am in love with

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Comments 55

proudcdn1988 January 21 2009, 01:52:31 UTC
LOL! Yours is awesome! I better get an awesome comment too!
PS Tony Almeida is the shit!


xo_prettywords January 21 2009, 04:04:12 UTC
Tony Almeida is amazing! I'm so glad he's back from the dead! Are you at the season two makeout episode yet?


__noabsolution January 21 2009, 01:58:50 UTC
Man, I love this list! Good job, and I practically agree with you on everything you've mentioned throughout it!


xo_prettywords January 21 2009, 04:04:36 UTC
thank you! :]


chiroro January 21 2009, 02:00:54 UTC
LOL omg. I love your list :D

Especially what you said about Spike: Because he doesn't fucking sparkle. and you had Giles, and Sayid and practically almost every fictional BA I've loved.


xo_prettywords January 21 2009, 04:05:13 UTC
thank you!


downtorio January 21 2009, 02:09:36 UTC
WHY HE'S BADASS: Because he doesn't fucking sparkle.

THANK YOU. Sometimes I wanna just take Cullenpants and shove him down Spike's blood-thirsty throat. Because no self-respecting vampire hunts mountain lions or whatever the fuck it is..


xo_prettywords January 21 2009, 04:05:58 UTC
I'm sure Spike would have a thing or two to say to those sparkly "vegetarian" sorry excuses for vampires. and by thing or two to say, I mean kill.


sutherlands January 21 2009, 02:13:53 UTC
Ugh Jack Bauer is the most bitching BAMF in the history of the world. I love that man more than anything. Great spam ♥


xo_prettywords January 21 2009, 04:06:23 UTC
Jack Bauer is the ultimate badass. There is nothing he can't do. ♥


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