you are what you love

Dec 07, 2008 10:40

I'm addicted to picspammy. This month it's your favourite person. I have about a trillion favourite people in the universe, but I decided to go with my favourite singer/songwriter girl of awesome, Miss Jenny Lewis ( Read more... )

music, wow that's a lot of youtube, picspam, various girls i kind of wish i was

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Comments 32

newmonia December 7 2008, 16:51:52 UTC
I adore her so much, but I can never find any decent pictures. Where on earth did you find most of these? Half of them I've never seen before, but she looks beautiful as always.


xo_prettywords December 7 2008, 17:09:11 UTC
o man, I scoured the internet for these.,, and lots of searches through flickr and photobucket. I found a bunch I never knew existed but are now my new favourites!


newmonia December 7 2008, 17:10:34 UTC
Ahaha, thank you! I'll have to settle in for a proper search hunt today.


jude_judith82 December 7 2008, 18:24:39 UTC
I love Jenny Lewis what a great picspam she looks so great.


xo_prettywords December 7 2008, 19:45:18 UTC
thank you! & yes, she always looks fantastic. I'd like to borrow her wardrobe indefinitely.


unellentitled December 7 2008, 18:40:16 UTC
This is so great, she is incredible.


xo_prettywords December 7 2008, 19:45:56 UTC
thank you!


curlybeach December 7 2008, 19:03:29 UTC
Oh noes! I was going to do a J-Lew picspam for the same challenge, but you beat me to it! Oh well, I might post mine too, just because there can't be enough Jenny!love :D is that okay with you?
(just so you know, mine's not going to be as good as yours, so you've got no competition there!)


xo_prettywords December 7 2008, 19:47:06 UTC
oh, absolutely post yours! there is no such thing as too much Jenny ;] plenty of love to go round. can't wait to see yours!


storybox December 7 2008, 19:41:02 UTC
Ugh, she's amazing.


xo_prettywords December 7 2008, 19:47:24 UTC
she really is.


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