lost picspam

Nov 03, 2008 18:15

picspammy is totally becoming my favourite comm. I didn't participate in the last challenge (because even afer a month of thinking I still couldn't think of the perfect actor to play Jay Gatsby, but that's irrelevant), but I am all over this one. Premieres and finales! Favourites! Because I'm predictable I picked the Lost pilot, also known as the best ( Read more... )

lost, picspam

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Comments 19

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xo_prettywords November 4 2008, 05:17:06 UTC
thank you so much! :D
just spreading the Lost love.


coldprey November 4 2008, 12:41:47 UTC
You totally did my idea for picspammy challenge. But I've already started so, I guess there will be two LOST pilot - part 1 and 2 picspams :P
You did a good ob :)


xo_prettywords November 5 2008, 06:03:13 UTC
aww thank you. sorry I beat you to the punch :P but I'm looking forward to seeing your spam now! :D


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xo_prettywords November 6 2008, 14:04:41 UTC
I know! picspamming this just made me miss Charlie & Boone & Shannon even more!

& thank you :]


bambinainnero November 6 2008, 00:12:00 UTC
Awesome picspam! <3


xo_prettywords November 6 2008, 14:07:57 UTC
thank you! :D


tunaeverynight November 7 2008, 23:06:49 UTC
God, S1 was like cocaine-coated candy. I miss it, I love it, I crave it. This is wonderful.


xo_prettywords November 8 2008, 15:15:22 UTC
god that is the perfect description, really.
& your icon is magical.


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