Title: All These Angels With Their Wings Glued On
Summary: In the summer of 1939, Ryan Ross is sent as a Nazi to Auschwitz, the largest Concentration Camp, where he meets Brendon Urie. Amongst all the death, they find solace in each other, as Ryan challenges what everyone around him believes, and Brendon faces his inevitable fate. Death.
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon (with other side pairings)
Rating: NC-17 overall
Ryan was eighteen when the war started. World War Two. He could remember clearly when they--Germany--invaded Poland, resulting in declarations of war by France and most of the other British Empires. He was lounging by the lake with Spencer and a few friends from school, when Spencer's little sister came running down to them, dress flapping, eyes wild. Spencer jumped up, hurrying over to her.
"What's wrong?" he demanded, grasping her shoulders.
The other boys, including Ryan, were watching with mild interest, nothing else consuming their interest on the muggy day.
"We - when. . .we," She was gasping for breath. "France has declared war on us!"
At that, Ryan sat up, vaguely away of the murmuring spreading around the area.
"What?" Spencer let go of her, shocked.
"Must be pissed that we invaded Poland," some guy said, tone light, but everyone could hear the worry underneath.
"Go back home," Spencer told his sister, "I'll be back later."
She nodded, sparing the time to give Ryan a quick, flirty smile, and dashed off. Ryan stared after her blankly, not seeing anything, his mind echoing the word war. He felt Spencer's warm hand on his thigh and looked up, meeting his ice blue eyes. They didn't need to speak, they were both thinking the same thing. They were two teenage boys, Spencer turning eighteen the next day, Ryan just having turned of age, when the second World War was starting. The chances of them living were zero to nothing.
The next day Ryan's father gave him a Karabiner 98k and told him to learn how to use it.
The next month, Ryan found himself boarding a train headed for god knows where. The only good thing - or better thing - was Spencer was going with him. They made their way to an empty compartment, sliding the door open, and stowing their bags above them. Immediately, Ryan curled up next to the window, and pulled out his worn book.
"Ryan," Spencer sighed.
Ryan ignored him, flipping open to the page he dog eared. He felt Spencer settle next to him, his rough fingers gripping Ryan's wrist. Spencer repeated his name, cool breath ghosting across his face. This time Ryan drooped, letting the book slip from his limp fingers. He closed his eyes, turning his face into Spencer's. Spencer kissed his chastely, never letting it turn into anything more, no matter how much Ryan wished he would. Spencer hugged him tightly, Ryan relaxing into the familiar embrace.
"It's gonna be okay," he whispered.
"How do you know?" questioned Ryan.
"Because, I won't let anything happen to you. Just be grateful we're not going into war."
Ryan shuddered, but had to agree with Spencer. One of their good friends, Joe, had just been sent to war, and everyone else was being drafted. Because Ryan and Spencer's fathers were two leaders of the Hitler Youth, they had first, gotten out of becoming Hitler Youth members, under the pretense of going to college, and second, had instead gotten the job of being two, young, Nazis. Their current employment: Auschwitz, the biggest concentration camp. Neither of them had completly bought into it, Ryan not at all, Spencer. . .Spencer had this strategy of doing what kept him, Ryan, and his family safe. If that was playing along with whatever was currently going on, then so be it. Ryan on the other hand, only had Spencer to live for. His mother had died when he was young, his father was a bitter, cruel man, and that was the end of their happy family. Spencer was his brother for all intents and purposes. And he wasn't about to lose him.
Ryan and Spencer both jumped at the new voice. They looked over to see two other boys grinning at them from the doorway.
"Hello," greeted Spencer, elbowing Ryan in the ribs.
He winced, but smiled back, knowing it came out more like a grimace.
"May we join you?" asked the shorter one.
"Of course." Spencer nodded to the seats across from them.
They put their trunks away, sat down, and introduced themselves.
"I'm Adam Siska, but you can call me Sisky," said the short, curly-haired boy.
"And I'm William Beckett."
Ryan took in the taller boy. He was extremly skinny, but had a girlish figure, and chin length, brown hair. He was beautiful to say the least. But for once, Ryan wasn't interested in the beauty of anything right now. As far as he was concerned, all of the beautiful things had been taken away.
Auschwitz was big and menacing. It loomed over the group of boys like a cat over a mouse. A man strutted out to them, shiny, black boots winking in the setting sun.
"Welcome, future leaders of Germany!" he shouted, "Here, you will be doing your country good! While your friends are fighting, you will have an equally important job! You will be overseeing the labor of the Jews! You will be killing any of the filth that gets in your way! You will be ridding the world of the people who do not deserve to be here!"
Ryan shivered. Spencer's eyes flicked to him, but he didn't risk touching or saying anything to him. Another man appeared next to the first.
"This way to your bunks!" he shouted, marching away.
Ryan took in Auschwitz as they approached the inside. The front spanned far into the distance, brick going on for seemingly miles. A watchtower was situated over the entrance, and that's where they passed through. In front of them now was a gate. Ryan peered up at it, and when he made out the words he felt a chill go through him.
Arbeit Macht Frei
Work makes you free.
Ryan glanced at Spencer, but he was looking straight ahead, face unreadable.
"You will have an separate building to sleep in! Inside the camp so no one can escape, but not with the prisoners! The barbed wire is electrified and thirteen feet high, so don't try to escape!" The man grinned barbarically. "The left side of the camp is for the gaurds, and most of the right is for the prisoners. Their barracks take up most of it, and there are guard buildings among the barracks. Inside the guard area are the infirmaries. And outside the buildings are the gravel pits. There are three parts of Auschwitz! Auschwitz I, Stammlager! Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Vernichtungslager. And Auschwitz III-Monowitz, the labor camp!
Stammlager, Ryan thought, main camp. And Vernichtungslager. The extermination camp.
"The roads outside of Stammlager lead to Birkenau. You'll get your assignments in a little bit! Four to a room! The men you will room with are as follows: Beckett, Blackington, Bryar, and Hurley!," The man listed off some other names, and Ryan tuned him out. "Ross, Smith, Suarez, and Way! Alright men, get settled!"
Ryan and Spencer headed over to the building they were assigned. A timid, "Sir?" made them pause. A skinny boy with glasses was nervously raising his hand, a black haired boy who resembled him standing close.
"What?" snapped the officer.
"Which Way did you mean? There are two of us; me and my brother."
The man threw up his hands. "I don't have time for this! Just. . .both of you stay together! Find somewhere to sleep!"
He turned on his heel and strutted off. Ryan and Spencer hurried inside, embracing the second they were alone. They jumped apart when the door opened, and the two Way brothers and another boy entered. They smiled at each other awkwardly, putting their bags under the beds. For the next hour, they just sat in their room. Ryan and Spencer talked in low murmurs of petty things, trying to ignore the big picture. The Way brothers curled close, heads bent together, lips moving quickly, and Suarez was hurriedly writing a letter. Awhile later, a man came to give them their instructions.
"Way, you have from midnight until six. Suarez, from six until noon. Ross, noon until six. And Smith, from six until midnight. Clear? Your duties will involve whatever the leader that day tells you to do. Way, tonight you will be patrolling from the barracks to the fence. Suarez and Ross, you'll be supervising in the Gravel Pits. And Smith, you will be overseeing the inking and stripping of the Jews brought in tomorrow. Report to the registation office when your shift comes. It's in B II A." And with that, he handed them
maps, and left.
They all exchanged looks, wondering what the day would bring.
"Mikes, you'll come with me," said one of the Way boys, and his brother nodded. He then turned to the rest of the boys. "I'm Gerard, by the way, and this is Mikey."
"I'm Alex," said Suarez.
They all nodded at each other, the air still awkward and tense.
"Well, we should probably try to get some sleep," said Alex eventually, inching towards his bed.
The others agreed, slipping into their own beds.
An hour later, Ryan crawled into Spencer's bed, letting the younger boy curl his arms around him.