A post to tie together the various threads that began with Rossi's return of memory to the death and redemption of Sabitha Melcross. Much of the action happened in other logs than this, and the storyline itself is too fantastic not to be collected into one place for people to read and enjoy in the future.
The beginnings of this story (insofar as Rossi's involvement goes) lie
in the Black Bishop's imprisonment, which led to Det. Chris Rossi discovering the Hellions, the tip of the iceberg at the base of which was the Hellfire Club and the Inner Circle. In the other plot, the danger of exposure was circumvented when Emma Frost erased Rossi's mind. But Emma has always liked playing with fire....
Intrigued by her one encounter with Rossi (or perhaps simply bored enough for incautious pursuit) Emma, disguised as "Amber" and powerless after pissing off an extremely touchy Dark Phoenix, began seeing the amnesiac detective on the side. Even after her powers returned, the delicious Miss Frost continued liaising with a not-reluctant and ignorant Rossi, until consequences precipitated by Rossi's spectacular assholery eventually caught up to him. Roused by the memory of Leah's death (another plot arc that I will someday tie together in a storyarc post) Rossi provoked the leader of the Friends of Humanity in a bar. Graydon, angered, hired Deadpool to extract some payback. Rossi was rescued by Storm and taken back to the Xavier School, where the Professor discovered the memory block placed by Emma and removed it.
Newly restored to his memories about the Hellions and realizing Sabitha's betrayal, Rossi began pursuing the leads he had before his erasure, reaching as far as Wide Awake itself, though lacking the context to understand the enormity of what he had found. Other people, however, were not so ignorant. In light of Magneto's ongoing visits to the irritated detective, the federal government had instituted a wiretap on Rossi, and the information made its way up the channels to the President himself. The government's investigation trickled down the Inner Circle until Sabitha realized what had happened. She confronted Rossi, attempting to convince him to stop his investigation. He refused, but in any case, it was too late. The federal government made Emma Frost a deal. Wide Awake in exchange for her liberty and that of her Hellions. Forced into an untenable situation, Emma agreed.
Seeking revenge and closure, and perhaps fond of Rossi despite herself, Emma liaised with Rossi one last time. What her intentions would have been is unclear. In the middle of their evening, Magneto made one of his erratic and highly irregular appearances -- with a telepathic dampener, which allowed him to see through Emma's disguise. Desperate to defend herself against his attempt to kill her, Emma lashed out telepathically. The telepathic dampener proved less effective against a raw onslaught of power. Magneto and Rossi were hurled back several decades in memory, waking with no clear recollection of their surroundings and the current date.
Without his memory, Rossi was a very different person than the hard, cynical cop that Sabitha knew. Encountering him one last time by chance, she realized the enormity of what the Hellfire Club had done to her and her erstwhile friends. Several days later, she attempted to kill Emma Frost, and was herself killed in the process.
This storyarc was exhilerating, breathtaking, and absolutely tragic. The ending was absolutely unexpected; Sabitha's player sprang it on us without a word of warning, leaving many of us whose characters had formed deep relationships with her absolutely reeling. A lot of us were reduced to tears. Hats off to the kind of storyarc and RP that makes XMM the game it is.
While a lot of plot-driving RP is listed below, I've also included some character-related RP, logs that weren't necessarily story-driving, but which tangented off the main storyline and gave some insight into characters and relationships. (Note that there are a lot of logs that were not linked into this post because there are SO MANY. If you're interested in them, click forward and backward in the LJs linked through this list.)
Plot-driving logs are in regular text, while the other type of log is in italics. Also, for some of these links, the plot-driving portion is in the LJ preface to the log itself.
Part I
Part II
Part III