I thought this was an interesting sort of experiment. I've categorized a number of people's powers to find out what sort of distribution of types of powers we've got. I've organized them a couple different ways, followed by a chart that shows it more graphically. Enjoy.
EDIT: Correspondingly adjusted just for you, Rossi.
Update 6/3/06: Powers that fall into more than one category are shown in bold, and the chart now includes the category "control/manipulation (elemental)."
Last updated 8/17/06.
NAME POWERS TYPE Adel Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Adrian None None Alex Plasma expulsion Control/manipulation (physical effect) Alyssa Improved eyesight Enhancement (physical) Amandeep Teleportation Transportation Amara Geokinesis, transformation Alteration (self), control/manipulation (elemental) Amy Go without sleep, follow multiple thoughts Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Ana None None Angela Heat generation, limited speed and flight Control/manipulation (physical effect) Angie Adhesion, attraction of spiders Enhancement (physical) Ania Creation of force fields, resulting invisibility Alteration (surroundings) Bach Telepathic nullification Control/manipulation (mental effect) Bahir Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Blindspot Memory manipulation Control/manipulation (mental effect) Blythe Oxygen manipulation Control/manipulation (elemental) Bobby Temperature manipulation (cold) Control/manipulation (elemental) Bridget Sponge memory Enhancement (mental) Cain Unstoppable force, highly tough and resilient Enhancement (physical) Caspian Fixed-destination portal creation Transportation Cassy Telekinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Christian Increased leg strength Enhancement (physical) Creed Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration Enhancement (physical) Domino Swinging of probability to own benefit Alteration (surroundings) Dorian Gravitic manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Doug Best linguistics teacher ever Enhancement (mental) Edwin Soundwave frequency alteration Alteration (surroundings) Eileen Touch-based metamorph Alteration (self) Ella Contact-dependent heightened sonic perception Enhancement (mental) Ellen Cellular control Alteration (others), alteration (self) Emma Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Esmie Photosynthesis Enhancement (physical) Eve Eidetic memory Enhancement (mental) Evey Sonic comprehension, analysis Enhancement (physical) Ewen Shockwaves Control/manipulation (physical effect) Forge Design anything Enhancement (mental) Graydon None None Gustav Prediction of bad events Enhancement (mental) Hank Just about everything physical Enhancement (physical) Harvey None None Honor Soundwave manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Ingrid Conversion of sound to kinetic energy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Irene Visions of the future(s?) Enhancement (mental) Isabel Mechanopath Enhancement (mental) Ismena Specific telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Jackson Illusion (light manipulation) Alteration (surroundings) Jamal Manipulation of electrons Control/manipulation (physical effect) James Alter person's ability to feel pain Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jareth Technopathy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jason Illusion generation Control/manipulation (mental effect) Jean Telepathy, telekinesis Control/manipulation (mental effect), control/manipulation (physical effect) Jeremy Randomized explosions Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jessan Molecular disintegration Alteration (surroundings) Jocelyn Orbs of energy Alteration (surroundings) Jono Telepathy, biokinetic blasts, supersnark Control/manipulation (mental effect), control/manipulation (physical effect) Joseph None None Jubilee Paf! Control/manipulation (physical effect) Kat None None Keith None None Kelly None None Kitty Phasing Control/manipulation (physical effect) Kourtney None None Kurt Teleportation Transportation Kyra Shapeshifter (single form) Alteration (self) Laura Sixth sense precision awareness of surroundings Enhancement (mental) Leo Single-form metamorph (ooze) Alteration (self) Lexington Growth Alteration (self) Lillian Invulnerability Enhancement (physical) Logan Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration, claws Enhancement (physical) Lorelei None None Lorna Magnetic field generation/manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Luke Audiokinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Madrox Duplicate generation Alteration (self) Magneto Magnetic field generation/manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Mari Aquatic adaptation Enhancement (physical) Matt None None Megan Psychometry Enhancement (mental) Melissa Single-form metamorph (wolf) Alteration (self) Mike Biological harpoons Enhancement (physical) Mira Audiokinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Mirage Pulse-based invisibility Alteration (self) Mystique Shapeshifting Alteration (self) Natalie None None Nisa Flora control Alteration (surroundings) Padraig Increased internal bioelectricity Enhancement (physical) Parker Power to find what is lost Enhancement (mental) Pauli None None Percy Pheromone control Control/manipulation (physical effect) Perry Rearrange internal structure to far smaller Alteration (self) Pete Hot knives Control/manipulation (physical effect) Pietro Move, think far faster than normal Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Piotr Transformation to metallic form Alteration (self) Pyro Pyrokinesis Control/manipulation (elemental) Rachel Light manipulation, light-based teleportation Control/manipulation (physical effect), transportation Ray None None Raymond Electromagnetic absorption Control/manipulation (physical effect) Regan Mildly enhanced senses, situational awareness Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Remy Charge objects with kinetic energy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Ricky None None River Gravitic manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Rogers None None Rogue Power absorption Alteration (others), alteration (self) Rossi None Fantastic assery None Roxy Generation of air currents Control/manipulation (elemental) Ryan Manipulation of blood Control/manipulation (physical effect) Sabitha Firestarter Control/manipulation (elemental) Sal Enhanced senses, healing factor Enhancement (physical) Sam None None Sarah Accelerated bone growth Enhancement (physical) Scott Concussive eye beams Control/manipulation (physical effect) Sean Sonic scream Control/manipulation (physical effect) Sergei Freeze liquid water, melt frozen water Control/manipulation (elemental) Shaw Kinetic energy absorption Alteration (self) Storm Weather control Control/manipulation (elemental) Talia Empathy, subconscious telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Temperance Adjust pleasure/pain Control/manipulation (physical effect) Theresa Sonic projection Control/manipulation (physical effect) Toad Prehensile tongue, adhesion, jumping Enhancement (physical) Travis Olfactory empathy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Tyanna Pyrokinesis Control/manipulation (elemental) Vanessa None None Vicktor Alteration of own mass Control/manipulation (physical effect) Victoria Psychometry Enhancement (mental) Vincent Teleportation Transportation Wade Regeneration, increased strength Enhancement (physical) Walter Metabolic control Enhancement (physical) Wanda Probability manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Warren Wings, flight Enhancement (physical) Wesley Hydrokinesis and transformation Alteration (self), control/manipulation (elemental) Xavier Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Yuriko Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration, claws Enhancement (physical) Zenith Gravity manipulation Alteration (surroundings)
NAME POWERS TYPE Ellen Cellular control Alteration (others), alteration (self) Rogue Power absorption Alteration (others), alteration (self) Eileen Touch-based metamorph Alteration (self) Kyra Shapeshifter (single form) Alteration (self) Leo Single-form metamorph (ooze) Alteration (self) Lexington Growth Alteration (self) Madrox Duplicate generation Alteration (self) Melissa Single-form metamorph (wolf) Alteration (self) Mirage Pulse-based invisibility Alteration (self) Mystique Shapeshifting Alteration (self) Perry Rearrange internal structure to far smaller Alteration (self) Piotr Transformation to metallic form Alteration (self) Shaw Kinetic energy absorption Alteration (self) Amara Geokinesis, transformation Alteration (self), control/manipulation (elemental) Wesley Hydrokinesis and transformation Alteration (self), control/manipulation (elemental) Ania Creation of force fields, resulting invisibility Alteration (surroundings) Domino Swinging of probability to own benefit Alteration (surroundings) Dorian Gravitic manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Edwin Soundwave frequency alteration Alteration (surroundings) Jackson Illusion (light manipulation) Alteration (surroundings) Jessan Molecular disintegration Alteration (surroundings) Jocelyn Orbs of energy Alteration (surroundings) Nisa Flora control Alteration (surroundings) River Gravitic manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Wanda Probability manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Zenith Gravity manipulation Alteration (surroundings) Blythe Oxygen manipulation Control/manipulation (elemental) Bobby Temperature manipulation (cold) Control/manipulation (elemental) Pyro Pyrokinesis Control/manipulation (elemental) Roxy Generation of air currents Control/manipulation (elemental) Sabitha Firestarter Control/manipulation (elemental) Sergei Freeze liquid water, melt frozen water Control/manipulation (elemental) Storm Weather control Control/manipulation (elemental) Tyanna Pyrokinesis Control/manipulation (elemental) Adel Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Bach Telepathic nullification Control/manipulation (mental effect) Bahir Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Blindspot Memory manipulation Control/manipulation (mental effect) Emma Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Ismena Specific telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Jason Illusion generation Control/manipulation (mental effect) Talia Empathy, subconscious telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Xavier Telepathy Control/manipulation (mental effect) Jean Telepathy, telekinesis Control/manipulation (mental effect), control/manipulation (physical effect) Jono Telepathy, biokinetic blasts, supersnark Control/manipulation (mental effect), control/manipulation (physical effect) Alex Plasma expulsion Control/manipulation (physical effect) Angela Heat generation, limited speed and flight Control/manipulation (physical effect) Cassy Telekinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Ewen Shockwaves Control/manipulation (physical effect) Honor Soundwave manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Ingrid Conversion of sound to kinetic energy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jamal Manipulation of electrons Control/manipulation (physical effect) James Alter person's ability to feel pain Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jareth Technopathy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jeremy Randomized explosions Control/manipulation (physical effect) Jubilee Paf! Control/manipulation (physical effect) Kitty Phasing Control/manipulation (physical effect) Lorna Magnetic field generation/manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Luke Audiokinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Magneto Magnetic field generation/manipulation Control/manipulation (physical effect) Mira Audiokinesis Control/manipulation (physical effect) Percy Pheromone control Control/manipulation (physical effect) Pete Hot knives Control/manipulation (physical effect) Raymond Electromagnetic absorption Control/manipulation (physical effect) Remy Charge objects with kinetic energy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Ryan Manipulation of blood Control/manipulation (physical effect) Scott Concussive eye beams Control/manipulation (physical effect) Sean Sonic scream Control/manipulation (physical effect) Temperance Adjust pleasure/pain Control/manipulation (physical effect) Theresa Sonic projection Control/manipulation (physical effect) Travis Olfactory empathy Control/manipulation (physical effect) Vicktor Alteration of own mass Control/manipulation (physical effect) Rachel Light manipulation, light-based teleportation Control/manipulation (physical effect), transportation Bridget Sponge memory Enhancement (mental) Doug Best linguistics teacher ever Enhancement (mental) Ella Contact-dependent heightened sonic perception Enhancement (mental) Eve Eidetic memory Enhancement (mental) Forge Design anything Enhancement (mental) Gustav Prediction of bad events Enhancement (mental) Irene Visions of the future(s?) Enhancement (mental) Isabel Mechanopath Enhancement (mental) Laura Sixth sense precision awareness of surroundings Enhancement (mental) Megan Psychometry Enhancement (mental) Parker Power to find what is lost Enhancement (mental) Victoria Psychometry Enhancement (mental) Amy Go without sleep, follow multiple thoughts Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Pietro Move, think far faster than normal Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Regan Mildly enhanced senses, situational awareness Enhancement (mental), enhancement (physical) Alyssa Improved eyesight Enhancement (physical) Angie Adhesion, attraction of spiders Enhancement (physical) Cain Unstoppable force, highly tough and resilient Enhancement (physical) Christian Increased leg strength Enhancement (physical) Creed Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration Enhancement (physical) Esmie Photosynthesis Enhancement (physical) Evey Sonic comprehension, analysis Enhancement (physical) Hank Just about everything physical Enhancement (physical) Lillian Invulnerability Enhancement (physical) Logan Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration, claws Enhancement (physical) Mari Aquatic adaptation Enhancement (physical) Mike Biological harpoons Enhancement (physical) Padraig Increased internal bioelectricity Enhancement (physical) Sal Enhanced senses, healing factor Enhancement (physical) Sarah Accelerated bone growth Enhancement (physical) Toad Prehensile tongue, adhesion, jumping Enhancement (physical) Wade Regeneration, increased strength Enhancement (physical) Walter Metabolic control Enhancement (physical) Warren Wings, flight Enhancement (physical) Yuriko Enhanced senses, physical aspects, regeneration, claws Enhancement (physical) Adrian None None Ana None None Graydon None None Harvey None None Joseph None None Kat None None Keith None None Kelly None None Kourtney None None Lorelei None None Matt None None Natalie None None Pauli None None Ray None None Ricky None None Rogers None None Rossi None Fantastic assery None Sam None None Vanessa None None Amandeep Teleportation Transportation Caspian Fixed-destination portal creation Transportation Kurt Teleportation Transportation Vincent Teleportation Transportation