I've got the X gene!

Apr 18, 2006 00:18

Name: Renjason
Nickname(s): R.J.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Would you like to rated as a girl, a boy or you don't mind either gender? Male please.

Describe your personality: I am prideful. Usually laid back but I know when to get serious. I am intelligent(academically). I deeply care for my family and friends.
Likes: strawberry and blueberry cheesecake! a nice fair day(not too hot not too cold), chatting with friends, playing RPG games, RPG games with any form of magic involved, Kingdom Hearts! Science(most especially Life Science), Geometry, Deductive Reasoning, Detective Conan Anime
Hobbies: Newbie Graphics maker, volleyball, newbie tennis player, a fairly good debater, persuasive
Dislikes: too much drama, ignorant, stupid people, people who are glorified for small futile tasks, Cheaters during tests, lame RPG games without any form of magic involved. Filth, cockroaches
Strengths: Intelligent, Stand for what I believe in, Doubtful(i don't trust people easily), Persuasive
Weaknesses: Prideful, Arrogant, Envious
Fears: Savage looking people(Cavemen), deep uncharted waters, rabid dogs, cockroaches
Hopes/Dreams/Aspirations: To be in the field of Life Science(doctor or nurse), to be rich
Mature or immature? Both
Leader or follower? Follower, kinda like the leader's adviser. I persuade the leader to do what I want therefore making the meber follow what I actually want. Just incase something bad happens, I am not to blame.
Hyper or relaxed? Both, usually hyper
Usually happy or usually sad? usually happy
Rule-breaker or goody-goody? Goody-goody if authority is present, rule-breaker if I feel too restricted(rebel mode).
Outgoing or anti-social? Outgoing most of the time.

Favorite X-men: Evolution character and why? I like Jean Grey for versatility of mutant powers.
Favorite episode: When Jean Grey loses control and unleahes the Phoenix. I forgot what the ep. name is but I think it has the word 'Power' in it.
If you could have the powers of any X-men: Evolution character, who would it be and why? I choose Jean Grey's Power. It's both useful for a low-profile life or a crime fighting life. I value versatility greatly.


How did you find xmenevo_rating? from starlight_19
Any else? None :D

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