The Basics
Name: Esther Lim
Gender: Female ;)
Sexuality: Straight.
Would you like a boy? A girl? Or both? A girl, but both, since i'm curious.
Which X-men: Evolution character were you stamped as? Kitty Pryde
Your Ideal Partner
Name three qualities that your ideal match must possess and explain why.
Christian - If he's not, he should love me enough to be one. Oh gosh, i am SO sappy.
Patient - i don't exactly have all the patience in the world, and have regular mood swings, so he has to put up with all that. Bonus if he likes that part of me too, ha.
Funny - I like funny people! And there's a differences between corny and funny. I guess he should be able to make me laugh, but know when to be serious, because immaturity is something that gets on my nerves.
-i'm not sure if this is a quality, but he MUST be musically inclined. Meaning, either play an instrument or can sing well. or both.-
How do you think you and your ideal partner would meet?
Dunno, in college or at church? Something conventional, i guess.
What would you two do on your first date?
Hmm. It depends. I try to compromise! Oh, and movie/candle light dinner is just BORING, in my opinion. I don't think first dates are meant to be spent gazing dreamily into your partner's eyes. 0_0 Oh, and there must be guitar playing. Just a random insert.
It's a normal, average day. What would you and your partner be doing to pass the time?
I guess that wowuld depend, as well. We could just talk, go and walk around, i dunno. As long as it is enjoyable for BOTH of us.
If you and your partner had a fight, what would it most likely be about?
Hmm. Maybe he insulted something i care about? I get super defensive when it comes to things like that, I cannot stand people who insult the things i love, even if it's a Movie Character. But heyy, i'm trying to improve, lol.
What would your partner have to do to make up with you (after above situation)?
Apologize, mean it, and do something sweet. Women are demanding.
In the following list, state which three things are most important to you in a relationship:
Happiness, Trust and Friendship. If we're not HAPPY why would we be together? I personally cannot spend all my time with a person i cannot stand. And we must have some sort of TRUST, so if i have other male friends, he won't exactly be all jealous, and vice versa. And FRIENDSHIP, cos i don't think romance is all... physical. We have to be comfortable with each other, you know? We have to be able to talk about everything.
Random things!
What is your favourite pairing in the X-men: Evolution universe?
Kitty/Lance! I love it! I'm super into the entire opposites attract thing, and besides, most good girls want the bad boys.
What is your favourite romantic quote/song lyric?
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side.
-Come what May, Moulin Rouge.