Name: Danielle
Nickname(s): Nyx, Danni, Fluffy
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Would you like to rated as a girl, a boy or you don't mind either gender? One of each would be cool.
Which X-men: Evolution character were you stamped as? Boom Boom
From all the X-men comic book characters, which power/ability would you want? Explain. I'd love the ability to heal since that would mean I wouldn't be as ill as I am. Though having the ability to steal other people's ability would be nice cause it would mean I could have a taste of it all.
Would you rather be part of the good side or the bad side? Explain. While it would be much easier to be bad my conscience would kick in. I apparently can sometimes appear to be a little evil but really I'm as harmless as a kitty.
If someone you cared a lot about suddenly went over to the other side (the one you stated above), how would you react? I would be sad, but even though the bond I would have with them would be severely damaged, if they needed me I'd still be there for them.
If given the chance, would you switch sides if it were better for you? In terms of power, perhaps? While there are perks to being on the other side I know my conscience would be overwhelming that I would never get to enjoy any of them.
Out of this list, which three things appeal to you the most? Explain.
- Power
- Happiness
- Wealth
- Justice
- Darkness
- Light
- Chaos
- Peace
- Destruction
- Unity
Who is your favourite X-men comic book character and why? I have three. Wolverine is by far my favorite because I just love his personality and how he is really a big softy in the long run. Plus even though he's short he doesn't take any crap :). My favorite female is Rogue. She's misunderstood and complex with her emotions. She wants to get near people and yet is too afraid and I think she is just a very relatable character. And of course there is Gambit. I adore him and his cajun spicyness!
If you were dropped into a big, dense, dangerous jungle, which character would you want to have with you and why? This is a hard one. Wolverine of course would be a good choice cause he is an excellent tracker. I agree with whoever mentioned Nightcrawler in their survey cause he could just teleport out of there. But I'd have to go with Rogue or Storm since it would be really amazing to get a sky view of a jungle.