Thank you to all the authors and artists for getting their works in or contacting us if they couldn’t! Here is the schedule for Round 3 of the X-Men Big Bang challenge.
Posting will take place between 14 June and 23 June, with an amnesty week after that for anyone who cannot post on their assigned date. Because there were so few stories, there will be only one story per day.
Please make sure to check out the schedule for your posting date. If you have any conflicts or concerns let us know as soon as possible!
Posting instructions will be up in the next couple of days.
June 14
lilacsigil & sunryder
June 15
our_girlfriday & rohnoc
June 16
kageillusionz & garnetquyen (tumblr)
June 17
ximeria & psuedoneems
June 18
ilovetakahana & madsmurf & kanon_chan
June 19
st_aurafina & afrocurl
June 20
LadyC03 & keire_ke
June 21
afrocurl & maichan808 & estoie
June 22
lastemptation & dumats_bloomers & marourin
June 23
nos4a2no9 & knowmefirst
June 24 to July 1
Amnesty Week - for anyone who missed their date.
Authors and artists, if you have any problems, please email the mod account and let us know of any complications.