round 3 overflow post

Dec 18, 2011 17:18

Round 3 Overflow Post

This post is for Round 3 fills only. We ask that when a round hits 8500 comments, fillers begin moving their fills to this post.

Format:SUBJECT LINE -- Round #, short description of fic (ex: "Alex/Hank, lab partners ( Read more... )

overflow post, round 3

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R3, Everyday Love in Stockholm - Human!Charles all cooped up tahariel December 31 2011, 10:59:44 UTC
Prompt: Magneto is the ruler of the posthuman world.

His only secret? Charles Xavier, the human he's kept locked in his bedroom ever since his right-hand woman, Mystique, came to him pleading for mercy for her stepbrother, who accepted her mutant form and protected her as a child. The human he started fucking after Mystique was killed in battle, despite the guilt he feels at contaminating even this last promise to the woman who was integral to his life's work and happiness.


Everyday Love in Stockholm will continue from this post once Round Three fills up. Hope it's okay to put a placeholder here, mods!


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 119/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:53:06 UTC
First things first: you have to check out this beautiful fanart loobeeinthesky did for me! It's absolutely stunning and deserves all the praise and love in the world. Also, you might notice that the link goes to my tumblr, on which I am celluloidfloozy, and you can follow me if you would like to! NOW FIC.

XIIBy the time Rogue comes in to work the next morning Magneto is already at his desk with the folders Mystique had brought him stacked in his out tray ready to be taken away and filed, a pen between his teeth as he flicks through a stack of paperwork that has accumulated in his absence, waiting to be signed. She bustles through the door and jumps about a foot when she looks up and sees him sat there, clapping a gloved hand to her chest and laughing breathlessly. “Oh! Lord, Magneto, you surprised me,” and she takes another couple of steps closer to the desk, stops just on the other side where she can peer at what he’s doing. “Guess ah got used to you being away! It’s good to see you back, safe and sound, if you don’t mind me saying ( ... )


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 120/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:54:27 UTC
“War is always awful.” Magneto steeples his fingers under his chin and looks at her for a moment longer before waving a hand and sitting forward again, picking up his pen with a quick flex of fingers that pulls it to his hand. “That’s why you have to do it unto others before they do it unto you. Thank you, Rogue. Could you ask Emma to come and see me when she’s free, please ( ... )


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 121/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:55:16 UTC
It earns him a snort and a sidelong glance, but Charles doesn’t look annoyed. “Some new clothes,” he says, “which I must admit were sorely needed by now, and a haircut, courtesy of Raven. You do understand that the idea is generally to pick things out yourself ( ... )


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 122/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:55:50 UTC
XVIIIThe textbook gives him an idea, though, and the next day he goes over to the building across the street from central command to get what he needs. The other cast-iron blocks around that one original apartment block have been taken over one by one as their government grew and established itself, the occupants either moving out of their own accord or being paid to move if not. Most have been converted now to offices and labs and training spaces. It’s a good location, and Magneto sees no reason for them to move to another place, seeing as they are working well where they are. The White House and Washington are long gone, with all of their purpose-built grandeur and pomp, so SoHo suits their purposes as well as anywhere would ( ... )


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 123/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:56:30 UTC
“I can’t decide if this is wonderful or awful.” Charles looks back down at the mess around him, and Erik stiffens, the swelling sense of success punctured in an instant and turning to ash in his mouth. The top of Charles’ head gives him no cues, nor does the pen Charles is twirling between his fingers, an absentminded roll that flicks ink across the nearest paper in a fine spatter when he spins it back and forth a little too strongly. “Damn, where’s that pencap?”

“You don’t want them?”

“No! I mean, yes, yes, I want them,” and the nearest pile is dragged closer to their feet as though Erik might try to take them away, Charles looking back up at him with eyes wide and a little bit desperate, hands clenched in the pages and crumpling them into sharp creases. “Where did you get all of this? I mean, nobody was publishing for so long, but I haven’t read all of these, and there’s so much research here that doesn’t seem to have come from a journal, which I definitely haven’t seen because it’s about mutants, Erik, mutant genetics, and where ( ... )


FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? tahariel January 19 2012, 23:57:07 UTC
Wallowing in my own stupidity, Erik thinks, but does not say; instead he reaches out to the nearest lump of scrap iron and presses it between his palms as he thinks, rolls it into a ball and stretches it out again, over and over. It catches underneath his fingernails, smears across his skin when he makes it too liquid, and it takes concentration to firm it up again to something more the consistency of modelling clay, or play-doh, malleable but not dripping. “I’m working, Charles ( ... )


Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? azryal January 20 2012, 00:09:06 UTC
I really need to stop reading all these 'Charles in captivity', angsty, depressing, maddening stories and stick to fluffy, happy, normal types...

Oh, God, did I just say normal?

Help me! Give me more! I need more of this now or the fluff will take me!!!



Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? tahariel January 21 2012, 12:08:46 UTC
Hee! It will be coming, but it might be another week or so. Don't worry, I won't be abandoning this :)


Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? afrocurl January 20 2012, 00:37:03 UTC
There's a very big part of me that wants nothing more than to slap some sense into both boys, but I know that it won't really help.

They each have so much that they aren't telling each other, even if they can fall into something physical together, it's not a relationship. That emotional distance is going to be worse the longer they each play that game. It's like one step forward and another two back when they make some progress.


Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? tahariel January 21 2012, 12:11:39 UTC
The major problem they have more than anything is that Erik has been so badly burned before, by basically everyone, that it's like he's always waiting for the slap. He can't quite trust Charles not to change his mind, or to be doing things for ulterior motives, because nobody else ever has.

And Charles is stuck there, no matter how well-intentioned, and so he's trying to make sure he doesn't fall for Erik just because Erik is keeping him there. It makes it difficult for them to fully connect without each of them worrying about the other.

Maybe you should give them both a slap anyway, see if it knocks something loose :D


Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? afrocurl January 21 2012, 16:26:39 UTC
No, you've hit on both of their issues there with that comment and I know it's going to take more for each of them to actually move forward, and I know it's not going to be pretty, but here I am.

If you'd let me, I totally would. :D


Re: FILL: Everyday Love in Stockholm 124/? tahariel January 21 2012, 16:55:57 UTC
Feel free, I'll hold them for you!


God this turned into an essay or something. [1/2] tahariel January 20 2012, 00:51:33 UTC
Alright, I suppose it's about time I do a proper review and out myself while doing it, since I think you're doing me the same courtesy. More than that, this fanfiction really is my favorite in the entire fandom. Not just amongst the captivity fics or the dystopian fics, but the entire fanfiction sub-genre of the fandom. Since I work better in a sort of list format, we'll go with that.

ErikAs we've already discussed, I adore the approach you take with your third person-limited perspective. I really do get entirely engrossed in Erik's perspective when I read an update from you. There's something dark about being in his psyche, with vague edges of brokenness. But I think the best part is the way that you use that. You show, you don't tell, and despite the fact it's from Erik's perspective we learn about Erik through those around him-particularly Charles and Raven, I feel. You never really write Erik just sitting there thinking about his past or his scars or his baggage, and that's believable. No one sits around thinking extensively ( ... )


God this turned into an essay or something. [2/2] tahariel January 20 2012, 00:52:08 UTC
WorldI don't know if I can properly say how much I envy this world that you've set up. It's complicated, but I think you handle it in such a way that I don't get lost in the jargon. Sometimes, with other fics, I think the author spends so much time developing the world that they forget their readers probably haven't done as much research on the subject as they have. And while I'm all for teaching readers things through pushing them to look up references, when the entire world is painted in textbook knowledge, it just gets overbearing. You don't do that, and I'm infinitely thankful. Seriously, bby, you don't even know ( ... )


Re: God this turned into an essay or something. [2/2] tahariel January 21 2012, 12:46:17 UTC
Okay, wow! What a lovely, eloquent, insightful comment. I LOVE long comments, so never apologise for leaving one, because they make my day! I'm not as good at reviews as you - I've left you one that is nothing like as good as this one, but I hope it puts across how much I love your fic too ( ... )


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