Round 5

Nov 02, 2011 15:31

Welcome to Round 5 of X-Men First Kink.

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prompt post, round 5

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Charles/Erik, amnesiac!Charles, post-divorce anonymous November 20 2011, 23:47:00 UTC
Post-divorce, during a confrontation between the X-Men and the Brotherhood, Charles is separated from his team and suffers a head trauma. Magneto (or whoever was leading the Brotherhood team) brings Charles back to base. There, Charles wakes up and doesn't recognize Erik or Raven. He has no memories, not even of his childhood. Erik struggles against the urge to mold a Charles who will finally stay by his side.

Bonus if Erik realizes that the Charles he's shaping isn't the Charles he fell in love with.

Up to anon whether Charles remains paralyzed.


REALLY MINI MINI FILL: Solider TW: dark!charles, suicide, murder ascoolsuchasi November 21 2011, 00:16:19 UTC
Erik stands over the bed and watches Charles’ sleep soft face. He’s quiet and breathing softquietpeacful and nothing like him.

Charles winks and says, “Let’s just forget this every happened, yes chaps?” and the soldiers laugh and smile and don’t say anything but they walk away.

Erik read the paper. There was a group of five U.S. Marines that killed themselves in succession of each other. The coroner was quoted saying, “Shell shock. It’s a shame about these fine young men. God bless their mothers and families.”

The paper doesn’t mention the note one left saying, there’s something wrong. in me -- my brain. it’s crawling and won’t leave. outoutoutoutoutoutout.He reaches his hand out and sweeps away some of Charles’ dark soft hair from his face. He sighs and pulls back the covers and sits himself down on the bed ( ... )


Re: REALLY MINI MINI FILL: Solider TW: dark!charles, suicide, murder ext_867881 November 21 2011, 00:21:13 UTC



That was incredible.

I have no words.


Re: REALLY MINI MINI FILL: Solider TW: dark!charles, suicide, murder ascoolsuchasi November 21 2011, 00:22:38 UTC
oh wow!! thank you so much!!!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: REALLY MINI MINI FILL: Solider TW: dark!charles, suicide, murder ascoolsuchasi November 21 2011, 01:38:13 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!


Re: Charles/Erik, amnesiac!Charles, post-divorce skull_bearer December 23 2011, 23:50:35 UTC
Um, I only just found this prompt, but I appear to be in the middle of writing it. I think this isn't miles from what you're looking for:


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