Title: Our Romanesque Pairing: Yasuba /Note: I'm so sorry this took so long guys. I completely lost my motivation for it, but I promise to never leave a chapter that long again! The next will be posted soon.
Maru not being himself is not right. I'm glad he seems to resurface. And XD Were you thinking about 'Desire' too when you were writing the part about composing? I can't help thinking of it since it has been playing in my head, but right now I think music from 'RESCUE' is better fit...The last sentence leaves so much to be imagined!
I'm off to the next chapter. And fyi, it's 3:20am. You gave me a very good reason to stay awake tonight!
Comments 18
waa I liked the chapter! xD!
I hope the next! waa me stay longer in doubt!
What will happen??? XD
but i won't give anything away, next chapter will be full of surprises :P
thankyou so much for reading!
And the story is just getting better all the time! :D
*hugs* sorry for getting chiaki-chan scared XD
Maru not being himself is not right. I'm glad he seems to resurface. And XD Were you thinking about 'Desire' too when you were writing the part about composing? I can't help thinking of it since it has been playing in my head, but right now I think music from 'RESCUE' is better fit...The last sentence leaves so much to be imagined!
I'm off to the next chapter. And fyi, it's 3:20am. You gave me a very good reason to stay awake tonight!
This part is just WOW. Actually I wanna copy-paste all the part and paragraph to commenting but... I totally afraid you'll felt spam-ed! ehe xD
It just somehow touch me knowing ohkura past... owww
The next chap is FINAL!? Wow! Can't wait to read it~~~ I wanna see who subaru will ended up with or how hina will do!!!
I love your way to make fic <3 Kyaaaa lovely!
*move to the next FINAL fic~~~
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