
Dec 12, 2006 19:25

I hope I'm doing this right, considering I'm the first one.

My giftee was goddess_loki. Merry Christmas!

Title: Home for the Holidays
Rating: PG
Pairing: Danny Messer/Aiden Burn
Summary: The trials and tribulations of making it home for Christmas.
Author's Notes: Set sometime before Season 2, of course. Hope you aren't violently opposed to Danny and Aiden, but this prompt just screamed for the banter between them. Enjoy!

There’s no place like home for the holidays
Cuz no matter how far away you roam
If you pine for the sunshine of a frie-

Danny reached over and snapped off the radio, cutting Karen Carpenter off as she was singing. He hated traveling during Christmas. Not only was there no sign of holiday cheer anywhere on these roads, he had a feeling the traffic was so backed up, he would be lucky to get out of Manhattan by New Year’s. He felt the smack as his passenger’s hand connected with the side of his head, and he turned briefly to give her a look.

“What the hell was that for?” he said. Things had not been going well between the two of them so far this morning, and Danny had a feeling it was only going to get worse.

“I like that song,” Aiden replied before switching the radio back on.

“Of course you do,” Danny sighed, running a hand over his eyes, “Everyone likes that fuckin song.”

“You got something against Karen Carpenter, Messer?” Aiden said, raising an eye brow in his direction, “Or just holiday music in general?”

“Just that song,” Danny stated, resting his elbow against the window as the traffic once again slowed to a standstill.

“What’d that song ever do to you?”

“It’s pointless!” Danny replied. Aiden gave him a look, and he tried to come up with a quick reason why the song was pointless, when the song did it for him.

-from Atlantic to Pacific
Gee, the traffic is terrific-

“There ya go,” Danny replied, “Who thinks traffic is terrific?”

“It’s just a song, Danny.”

“Well, they should have come up with better lyrics when they wrote the damn thing.” He saw Aiden cross her arms over her chest out of the corner of her eye, and he gave her a look, “What?”

“You’re cranky when you have to sit in traffic,” she stated, and he rolled his eyes.

“Who’s not cranky when they have to sit in traffic, Aiden?” he said, and she shook her head.

“OK, let me rephrase,” she sighed, “You feel the unending need to bitch when you’re sitting in traffic.” She threw her hands up in the air and turned back to the window, “Should have just taken the damn train like I said.”

“No, we shouldn’t have taken the damn train-” he began, and she cut him off before he could finish.

“If we had taken the damn train, like I said, we wouldn’t be stuck in traffic, we would be moving a lot faster than we would by car, and most importantly, I wouldn’t have to sit here and listen to you bitch about how we’re not going anywhere. Generally speaking Danny, if we had taken the train, the world would be a happier place.”

“You see all those presents?” he said gesturing to the seat behind him that was covered in brightly wrapped boxes for his family, “You see them? I could barely get you in the car; how the hell were we supposed to get all those on the train with us?”

“It’s not my fault you had to buy Christmas presents for half of Manhattan,” she retorted.

“Excuse me if I like to be a little more generous to my family this time of year,” he sighed, “After all, that’s what’s supposed to happen, right? Christmas cheer and goodwill to men and all that bull-shit.” He said the last part a little louder than he should have, before slumping back into the seat behind him. The traffic picked up a little, then slowed again before Aiden spoke up.

“Feel better?”

“Meh,” he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders.

“Why are we even heading into Jersey, anyway?” she sighed, “Doesn’t your family live in Staten Island?”

“My uncle lives in Secaucus,” Danny replied, “He’s got the bigger place so we always go to his house for Christmas.” His voice was a lot calmer than it had been, and Aiden could tell he was starting to relax a bit. “However, at this point, we’ll be lucky if we make it there by the time everyone goes home.”

“We’ll make it there,” she sighed, “The traffic’s not that bad.”

“Knowing our luck though the car will break down or some-” He was cut off by Aiden smacking him on the shoulder, “-OW! What the-?”

“Don’t you know that if you say it, it’ll happen?” she sighed, shaking her head as she turned to look through the windshield again, “Damnit, Messer, you really don’t want to get there, do you?”


They had made it out of the city and onto 287, before Danny jumped at the feel of his phone vibrating in his pocket.

“You left your phone on vibrate, in your pocket?” Aiden said as she watched him squirm trying to fish it out of his pocket.

“Would you just shut up and get it for me?” he said, and she shook her head before reaching for his pocket.

“Don’t be getting any bright ideas about this, Messer,” she sighed, as her hand slipped into the pocket of his jeans, and a grin crossed his face.

“Did I say anything, Aiden?” he sighed, “You’re the one who was saying something about bright ideas.”

As she sat back up again, she smacked him on the shoulder as he laughed, and she looked at the caller ID. “It’s your mother.”

“So answer it.”

“I can’t answer it!”

“I can’t, I’m driving.”

“Danny, this is your mother.”

“Aiden, just answer the damn phone,” he replied, “Before it goes to voicemail and she starts flipping out thinking we got into an accident or somethin’.”

“Alright, alright,” she sighed, flipping the receiver open, “Hi, Mrs. Messer.”

“Oh, hello. Is this Aiden?”

“Yes, this is Aiden.”

“Hi, dear. Is Danny there?”

“He is, but he’s driving,” Aiden explained.

“Well, that’s good that he’s not talking to me then,” the older woman chuckled, “I was just wondering how far out you guys were.”

“Hold on a sec,” she sighed, moving the phone away from her mouth and relaying the question to Danny.

“Tell her traffic permitting we’re about an hour out,” Danny replied, and Aiden repeated it back to the woman on the phone.

“Oh, dear. That’s a bit of a way isn’t it? Do you want us to hold dinner for you two?”

“Oh, no,” Aiden shook her head, “Don’t hold dinner on our account.”

“What?” Danny turned, “Are you kidding? If they don’t wait, Louie’s gonna get all the-” He raised his voice to try and be heard through the speaker, “-Don’t listen to her, Ma! She doesn’t know what she’s-mphhhh-” He was cut off as Aiden clamped a hand over his mouth.

“As I was saying, don’t hold dinner on our account,” she sighed, “We’ll eat when we get there.”

“Alright. Tell Danny I’ll make sure Louie doesn’t eat all the stuffed shells.”

“I’ll do that,” Aiden replied, before they exchanged goodbyes and hung up. She then removed her hand from Danny’s mouth and smacked him for what seemed like the millionth time this trip.

“What the hell was that?” she said, “You’re supposed to be watching the damn road!”

“Sorry,” he mumbled, before settling back into his seat, “It’s just that whenever Louie’s there and I’m not, he eats all the stuffed shells, and there’s never any for me when I get there.”

“Your mother said she’d save you some,” Aiden replied, placing his phone in the cup holder on the driver’s console. She watched as the grin crossed his face, and gave him a look, “The food makes you that happy?”

“No,” he sighed, “I just always knew she liked me.”


“No way!” Aiden said to his little nephew in response to what the little boy had told her, her eyes wide in feigned amazement. The little three year-old nodded eagerly before going into more detail about what he had been talking about.

“I think Evan’s about to steal your girl there, Danny,” his sister, Liz, said as she walked over to him. He gave her a smile, before shaking his head.

“He’s not her type,” Danny replied.

“You never know,” Liz said and Danny nodded slightly, his attention focused on the two other people across the room. A smirk crawled up the side of her face, and she continued, “She is shacking up with you.” Danny didn’t respond, just kept nodding, until he realized what his sister had said.

“Hey,” he said, giving her a look, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing,” Liz replied, before going over and collecting her son from Aiden.

“Oh, you have to go?” Aiden frowned.

“Yeah, it’s getting late for this guy,” Liz sighed, picking up Evan, “It was really nice meeting you.”

“Nice meeting you too,” Aiden said with a smile, getting up and following with her as she started to walk out.

“Oh, and if that one ever does anything stupid,” Liz continued, pointing over to Danny, “Don’t hesitate to smack him upside the head for it.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Aiden smirked, “I already do.”

Liz just laughed, before wishing her a ‘Merry Christmas’ and heading out the door. Once they disappeared, Aiden felt Danny’s arm around her waist. When she turned to him she blinked in surprise as his lips came down on hers, before leaning into the kiss. When they broke, she looked at him in confusion.

“What was that for?”

“Look up,” he replied, and she did, seeing the mistletoe hanging above her head.

“Guess I walked right into that one, huh?” she smirked.

“Literally,” he replied before giving her another quick kiss, “Merry Christmas, Aide.”

“Merry Christmas, Danny.”

The End

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