[fic] Proposal

Sep 15, 2007 13:34

title: Proposal
chapter: oneshot - Forbidden Desires #2
author: Cross (xmachina_writes)
rating: PG
genre: drama
pairings: Ni~yaxAoi (implied), AoixChangmin (implied)
warnings: n/a
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, names of real people are being used without permission in a fictious setting.
summary: The morning after brings with it something unexpected
rewind: Feast of the Senses
notes: Well, we knew I wasn't done with this fic-verse, right? ^^'' Just a little short something that ... probably raises more questions than it answers. XD;;

Changmin didn't want to wake, to leave behind the comfort of the land of dreams. Waking would mean facing the morning, and he wasn't ready for that yet, not when his dreams still held a warm body pressed against his own. Such a pleasant dream....

“You can't sleep all day, Min-kun.”

Changmin startled awake, blinking rapidly, but it didn't change what he was seeing in front of him.


“Mm, 'morning, Min-kun,” the older man murmured, fingers sifting through Changmin's fringe. “You've already slept through breakfast and the first argument of the day.”

“Huh?” He actually needed a moment to sort through that, a grumble of hunger making him a little slow on the uptake. He was definitely going to have to - “wait, argument?”

“Aa. Yunho-kun very nearly forced his way in here to fetch you out and haul you home. Ni~ya talked him out of it, sort of. Just as well, I don't think any of us would have appreciated the results of his coming in here and seeing you attached to me the way you were.”

Changmin could feel his cheeks heating and cursed his own blush response. But when he tried to mumble an apology, Aoi waved it off as if it were no big deal.

“They've gone on ahead, but it's getting late enough in the morning that, if you don't join them soon or at least call.... Yunho-kun let slip that you don't have anything scheduled for today, but still....”

A slight nod, the movement sending something wafting into his nose. That smelled like cooking food entwined around the light musk of Aoi's bare skin. Bare skin ... they were both still naked. He'd slept naked with another naked guy clutched in his arms.... But the smell of food was calling - he'd missed breakfast, after all. And if they were willing to feed him.... Well, he'd have to control himself, only eat a little bit so they didn't think him completely rude.

“Come, come, Ni~ya isn't going to serve lunch in bed. You can borrow a yukata if you like. I don't think the laundry's quite dry yet.”

“Laundry?” he echoed, feeling a little silly.

“Yes, well, your clothes sort of had an accident,” Aoi said and Changmin could only gape at the faint hint of color on the other man's cheeks. “I guess Jae was trying to make a point....”

“Ehh?? What do you mean, accident? And Jae? What did Jae do, piss on them?”

“What?? No, no!” Aoi said, laughing. “Coffee. Poured almost an entire mug directly onto the pile of your clothes. Knowing Ni, it was probably a near thing who was closer to having an apocalyptic fit, him or Yunho. But after that ... yeah, not much chance of him being able to take you away from here.”

Changmin needed a second to actually process what Aoi was saying, but once he did it was almost too easy to picture Jaejoong upending a cup of coffee over his clothes with a completely bland expression, declaring the discussion at an end. He could just picture Yunho's reaction to that, too. The anger, the disbelief ... the eventual resignation. He almost felt bad for his leader ... but not really.

“All right, lazy bum,” Aoi trilled, interrupting his imagining of the morning's scene, “I even fetched one out for you, so come on, out of bed!”

Aoi was holding up a fairly plain cotton yukata, navy blue with white cranes, and a striped obi. Changmin was more interested in the long cloth Aoi had draped over his shoulder, however.

“Um, Aoi-san? What's that?” he asked, slipping from the bed with only a slight wince for sore muscles. Absently, he wondered if it would always be like that.

“This? This is a fundoshi,” the older man said, winking. That smile was so devilish, so wicked and impish, it was hard to believe the other man was actually almost ten years older than him. A smile like that could only mean trouble.

“That, ah, doesn't really answer my question, Aoi-san.”

“Traditional Japanese undergarment. And since I'm guessing you've never worn one before, I'll even help you with it.”

It didn't look like an undergarment to Changmin. In fact, it just looked like a really long piece of white cloth. Really long, longer than he was tall. What the hell? And why was Aoi still grinning at him like a maniac? Was this some sort of trick?

“Now then ... spread your feet a bit, ne? So I can get between your legs.”

Too confused to protest - and really, the thought of having Aoi between his legs was one that he wouldn't be protesting anyway - Changmin did as he was told. Even if the other man's eagerness was a bit ... disconcerting. But he seemed so happy about it all.... Aoi held the cloth up, as if judging it's length and placement, then draped about half of it up his chest and over his shoulder.

“Widen your stance just a little more,” the older man murmured, nudging one leg. Changmin had a sudden bad feeling about this, but still did as he was told. Aoi moved to stand behind him, pulling the white cloth between Changmin's legs. He could feel Aoi's hand holding the cloth against his groin while he did something with the other end for what seemed forever (but was probably only a minute or two). Twisted cloth was pulled against his ass, wrapped around his waist ... and he lost track of it from there, too preoccupied with the sensation of what amounted to wearing a thong. Only not quite, since these twists of cotton weren't going to get lost up his ass the same way a g-string did.

“There,” and he blinked when he realized he'd been so busy analyzing the feeling of this fundoshi thing, the way it might move and the way it held him, to even notice that Aoi had finished. “Do you need me to help you with the yukata and obi?”

“Um, I think I can, ah, manage,” he said, blushing a little. Maybe the obi wouldn't be tied exactly right, but what did it matter? It was only until his own clothes were dry enough for him to wear anyway. He probably didn't even really need to be wearing this fundoshi, but after all of Aoi's effort, he didn't want to seem ungrateful.

Ni~ya and Aoi were in the kitchen, chatting quietly about who knew what when he found them. Ni~ya was stir-frying something while Aoi was slicing more vegetables. It was ... cozy. Like he was intruding on something special, personal. But before he could retreat, Aoi caught sight of him, a wide grin spreading across his face.

“Well that's ... one way of tying an obi, I suppose,” the older man purred, chuckling. A comment which, of course, drew Ni~ya's attention ... and a soft laugh from the blond.

“It's not like I'm going anywhere like this,” Changmin muttered defensively. “Didn't think it'd really matter.”

“It's fine,” Ni~ya said, eyes still twinkling with mirth. “Have a seat and help yourself. This should be done in just a minute or two.”

The meal spread on the table already looked like too much food for a simple lunch. Bowls of noodles, a plate of hand-rolled temaki sushi, another plate with some sort of sliced katsu, a bamboo steamer basket packed with some sort of dumpling, and of course the ubiquitous bowls of steamed rice and miso soup. And they were adding yet more to this?

“Help yourself to as much of the tonkatsu as you like,” Aoi said as he set a large green salad on the table. “I don't mind one way or the other and Ni~ya doesn't eat meat.”

“You don't?” he asked, his attention turning to the blond at the stove. It seemed strange to him that someone who had the option and could afford it would instead choose to go without what he considered one of eating's more satisfying pleasures.

“Nope. Well, not often, at any rate. Occasionally something will happen and I'll slip. Jain by conversion, not by birth, so I have some lapses and ... exceptions to my diet,” the blond explained.

“Jain? As in Jainism? That's like ... a more restrictive Buddhism, isn't it?”

“Not exactly, but close,” Ni~ya said, grinning even as Aoi groaned. Apparently this was one of Ni~ya's pet topics, one that Aoi had heard entirely too many times. And yet the elder man made no serious protest, accepting his fate and a seat at the kitchen table with a minimum of grumbling. And Changmin had to admit it was refreshing, having such thoughtful conversation about spiritual matters with someone whose viewpoint was at least somewhat similar to his own. He didn't want the meal to end.

“As much as I suspect you two are enjoying this fabulously boring conversation,” Aoi interrupted abruptly, “your clothes are dry now, Min-kun. And your keitai says you've missed calls.”

“Eh?? Oh shit....” Snatching his clothes from Aoi's hand, Changmin hurried back to the bedroom to tear himself out of the borrowed clothes and get back into his own.

“Here,” Aoi's voice purred in his ear, “take this. At least you won't have to feel quite so much like you're doing a walk of shame?”

Aoi had an arm wrapped around Changmin's waist, but more importantly he was offering a black t-shirt with his other hand. Large enough that it would probably even fit him decently well.


“Think of it as ... an invitation,” the older man murmured. “From both of us.”

“Invitation?” Surely Aoi didn't mean what Changmin thought he heard in those few words.

“To join us again some time. When you're feeling inclined....”


“Think about it,” the older man said softly, pressing a kiss to Changmin's cheek before disappearing. He almost didn't want to accept the gift and yet at the same time, if they really were willing to have him again ... he'd be a fool to turn that down, wouldn't he? Or was he just asking for more trouble that he really didn't need? Bad enough he'd be catching hell for spending half the day here and coming home wearing something other than what he'd had when they left, but if Yunho found out exactly why....

They were being domestic again when he entered the kitchen, putting leftovers into containers and getting started with the dishes. Ni~ya and Aoi suddenly reminded him of Jaejoong and Yunho, the way the two 'parents' of DBSK were able to communicate things with each other without having to necessarily say more than a couple of words, if that much. These two were a happy, loving couple with an enviable sort of chemistry. The sort of relationship that made jealousy burn in Changmin's stomach because as much as he had always wanted something like that, he couldn't have it. Relationships took time and he didn't have any to give.

“Thank you very much for lunch ... and for last night,” Changmin said, interrupting their moment. He was annoyed at how formal he sounded, cool, crisp words that perfectly masked his true emotions. Maybe too perfectly, if Aoi's smile was any indicator

“Here,” Aoi said, smiling up at him as he handed him a business card, “so you can call us up some time.”

Changmin accepted the card with a nod, tucking it into the back of his wallet without even glancing at it. It was a nice thought, but these two didn't need him intruding on their relationship. Besides, he wanted more from his personal life than just unattached sex. He would just have to keep looking.


Because we enjoy being educational! If you are unfamiliar with fundoshi and wonder just what Aoi was doing to Changmin, here's a helpful guide on how to tie fundoshi (partial male nudity, nothing graphic).

Jainism is among the oldest of world religions, coexisting alongside Buddhism and Hinduism in India for severa; thousand years, each influencing the other two. It is a more ascetic religion than some, with even the laity given to vegetarianism/veganism, chastity, and non-violence.

That said, the youth in Japan are notorious for being lax to the point of indifference about spiritual matters. ;) (And by "youth" we mean ~12-35, not just school-aged persons).

There is no specific support for Ni~ya being Jain - that's something my muse keeps doing on his own. However, Jainism is a major and recurring influence/theme in Nightmare's music, so it's not completely unreasonable that he might be partly converted.

forbidden desires

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