Title: Finding You Again
Chapter: 2/?
Pairing: Eventually Hyukhae, Yewook and Kimin
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (sequel to
Finding You) Donghae and Hyukjae are given a second chance at finding each other, but will their new lives keep them apart?
Note: This is written from Hyukjae and Ryeowook's point of view.
He turned to me, his eyes red and filled with tears and at that very second I thought maybe he wasn't as brave as he always seemed to be... )
Comments 15
but don't worry hyukhae will meet in the next chapter. I am currently trying to finish the next chapter but it's not going to well. Hopefully i will post it soon. I'm not very confident in my writing style anymore so my writing is really suffering. But i really will try to update soon :D
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